1. 对于考察结构的题目:应先理解句意, 然后试着在脑子里把原文想要表达的主干 “说”出来, 心中有数以后,再看选项.如OG11,120 句意如果理解不好, 这种题应该怎么应对?(待研究) (如120中的 “illiteracy”就不认识.) OG11, 123也是一道可以从句意入手的题,先要知道句子想要表达的意思,那么, 如果是自己说的话,会怎样表达呢? 想一遍(很快的),再看选项,先找出与自己的主干一致的看,如果完全吻合就选.因为SC正确答案所用的结构都是最常见且最清晰的. 2. 读懂句意的重要性怎么强调都不过分 如OG11: 121(关于“from a one-page writing sample”;只有搞清楚句意,才能分析选项中的结构到底对不对,才能知道正确的选项应该是什么样子的.因为修饰语位置的不同一定会带来所表达句意的差异.); 129(也是主干的问题,谓语到底几个?) 3. 做比较题的一般步骤: (以OG11: 128为例) 1) 找到正确的比较对象; The sentence compares the number of apples produced today and in 1910; 2) 选择正确的比较词组; Because apples are a countable quantity, the comparison should use the construction as many as. 3) 注意比较结构的大原则:平行,对称; The two elements being compared must be grammatically parallel. 4) 构成符合原则的完整句子; The same amount ... produces is paralleled by as it did (produce understood). The subjects amount and it are parallel, as are the verbs produces and did (produce). 5) 检查时态正确性. Finally, an action that occurred in 1910 requires a verb in the past tense. 4. 注意千万不能distort原意. OG11: 23E; 62B 5. 当原意要表达 “两个…”时, GMAC要求必须使用平行结构 OG11: 47(The first part of the sentence describes the two reasons for Acme Bank's success; those reasons should be written in two parallel phrases.); 54; 88; 91 十七、需要纠正的错误观点 1 介词、分词同时出现,介词和分词不存在哪个好, 哪个不好的问题!OG11: 20 2. of 连接的两个词不一定就是两个名词! OG11:35 (…are suspicious of strangers) 3.含有新名词的选项不一定是正确答案 OG11: 50E(the fact) 4.in that 不是什么好东西! OG11: 51 OG说 “ in that has largely gone out of use, it is considered stilted and overly formal. It also uses two words when one would do.” (强烈关注反例) 5.介词+which 比when好? OG11: 59 OG说 : In which or when can be used interchangeably in this sentence. OG11:101E(OG说: Where cannot correctly refer to phenomenon;所以用in which)(强烈关注反例) 6. adj. adj. n. 比adv. adj. n.概率更大? OG11: 59D(adv. adj. n.) 7.分词的逻辑主语一定应该与主句的主语保持一致? NO! OG11: 79DE 8.并不是用名词代替代词的选项就一定好;必须以代词会有歧义为前提 OG11:105(it没有歧义) 9.could, would, might仅仅只是can, will, may的过去式? NO. OG11: 1(在题干中); 111; 137 10.with后不可以接从句? NO! OG11: 111(A by emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500.) that从句修饰with的宾语. 11.动词永远都是在最好的选项里吗? NO!! 见OG11: 112AC 12. “more…than”中than是连词,其后不可以接没有主语的部分? NO! OG11: 123A(In Holland, a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense of its coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the United States.)带颜色的部分是对称的,这样是可以的(their已被改正);A错主要是因为这样没有表达原意,不是语法上的错误. 13.引号中的名词做主语, 不论引号中的形式,都做单数看待? NO! OG11: 134的题干: 主语是"shift-work equations",谓语是have reduced.
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