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In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars. Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow. The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago.

Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited?

正确答案: C











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7.28 SH

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发表于 2009-7-28 21:25:00 | 只看该作者

7.28 SH




40. The following appeared as part of an article in a weekly newsmagazine.

“The country of Sacchar can best solve its current trade deficit problem by lowering the price of sugar, its primary export. Such an action would make Sacchar better able to compete for markets with other sugar-exporting countries. The sale of Sacchar’s sugar abroad would increase, and this increase would substantially reduce Sacchar’s trade deficit.”

AI 考到的是:

The best teachers encourage students to challenge popular ideas than have them accepting them. 我在题库里面好像没有看到。



In 1938, at the government-convened National Health Conference, organized labor emerged as a major proponent of legislation to guarantee universal health care in the United States.  The American Medical Association, representing physicians’ interests, argued for preserving physicians’ free-market prerogatives.  Labor activists countered these arguments by insisting that health care was a fundamental right that should be guaranteed by government programs.

      The labor activists’ position represented a departure from the voluntarist view held until 1935 by leaders of the American Federation of labor (AFL), a leading affiliation of labor unions; the voluntarist view stressed workers’ right to freedom from government intrusions into their lives and represented national health insurance as a threat to workers’ privacy.  AFL president Samuel Gompers, presuming to speak for all workers, had positioned the AFL as a leading opponent of the proposals for national health insurance that were advocated beginning in 1915 by the American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL), an organization dedicated to the study and reform of labor laws.  Gompers’ opposition to national health insurance was partly principled, arising from the premise that governments under capitalism invariably served employers’, not workers’, interests. Gompers feared the probing of government bureaucrats into workers’ lives, as well as the possibility that government-mandated health insurance, financed in part by employers, could permit companies to require employee medical examinations that might be used to discharge disabled workers.

      Yet the AFL’s voluntarism had accommodated certain exceptions:  the AFL had supported government intervention on behalf of injured workers and child laborers.  AFL officials drew the line at national health insurance, however, partly out of concern for their own power.  The fact that AFL outsiders such as the AALL had taken the most prominent advocacy roles antagonized Gompers.  That this reform threatened union-sponsored benefit programs championed by Gompers made national health insurance even more objectionable.

      Indeed, the AFL leadership did face serious organizational divisions.  Many unionists, recognizing that union-run health programs covered only a small fraction of union members and that unions represented only a fraction of the nation’s workforce, worked to enact compulsory health insurance in their state legislatures.  This activism and the views underlying it came to prevail in the United States labor movement and in 1935 the AFL unequivocally reversed its position on health legislation.

recycled material

問題類型文章: Contamination of recycle material is a problem.
在循環利用中,被污染的再生物,可能會導致污染產品。為了解決這個問題,需要進行專門的處理(名為MRF)M而進行此處理,增加了成本(因為會需要用到Labor來進行Sorting)。一般進行收集,運輸和處理的成本是每噸x 1x2(數字範圍),而以往的處理方式是y1y2/噸(比X低的數字範圍)。這樣工廠市場上無法cover其成本。

但是可以通過要求政府資助(charge the government for the service of recycling)。另外,如果政府進行強制規定企業必須使用可回收物質做原材料,相應的可回收原材料的需求增大

Originate of agriculture.

30. GWD21-Q30:
In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steering bars.  Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow.  The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it was ten years ago.
Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited?
A.      A few children still use traditional wooden sleds.
B.       Very few children wear any kind of protective gear, such as helmets, while sledding.
C.      Plastic sleds can be used in a much wider variety of snow conditions than wooden sleds can
D.      Most sledding injuries occur when a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or, another sled.
E.       Because the traditional wooden sled can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wooden sled can result in several children being injured.

corn 的價錢因為某國大量用corn 去生產ethonol, 一種替代能源, 而上升. 因此造成本國的農夫全部跑去種corn 而放棄soy bean. 因此soy bean的價格上升. 隔壁國(墨西哥還是某個南美國)的農夫就卯起來種soy bean. 雖然說種這soy bean 對雨林- friendly 但是專家說儘管如此, 雨林還是會受影響. why? 我選了因為地都拿去種soy , 那些ranger 和放牧的就要搬遷(文中沒有直接提到 ranger 會對雨林有壞處) 但是其他的都不像只好選這..
这题我也选择了hunter and farmer被强迫搬走这项,其他的都不对,确认。

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/7/28 21:37:07编辑过]
发表于 2009-7-28 21:31:00 | 只看该作者
MM加油,谢谢分享,再回忆一点verbal JJ
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