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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障25系列】【25-01】文史哲_The Mayflower

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发表于 2013-10-7 01:12:09 | 只看该作者
我的名字 叫做补作业君
我会补上的 明天早上 哦 不 今天早上就补上
掌管 5 00:02:19.38 00:11:38.54
掌管 4 00:02:07.30 00:09:19.16
掌管 3 00:02:16.07 00:07:11.86
掌管 2 00:02:41.97 00:04:55.79
掌管 1 00:02:13.81 00:02:13.81
发表于 2013-10-2 16:03:02 | 只看该作者
1. Before the mayflower:
   decide to leave for religious freedom
2. Mayflower
   get permission and leave to america
   Speedwell leak
3. mayflower compact after landing on a wrong place
4. Thanksgiving
发表于 2013-10-2 14:42:43 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-10-2 09:56:51 | 只看该作者
02'37 the first document records of shipping goods to another place.
02'40 speedwell and mayflower went to amercia together. However, since leak of S, they have to give up the ship.
        during the trip, they also meet a lot of troubles, which make passengers so tierd that some of them
        give up.finnally, mayflower choose a cape cod to explore and build their first plantation.
04'15 introduce the functions of each part and stage of the ship and how mayflower passengers live together for
        66 days.
02'6 it's doubt that whether women should come to amercia together or not. for the trip, there only few woman
        came to amercia. Most of them are married.
02'58 most of women dead during the first winter since they stay in a crowed space of mayfolwer where had bad
        enviroment and air. Finally, there only five people left.
05'30 some pilgrims immigrated from england to holland for a better life. However, they got a worse job. Finnaly,
        these saint joined in mayfolwer to go to the new world. Even though they arrived a wrong place, they also
        decided to establish a new politick called mayflower compat. native poeple teached them how to survive and
        they had their first thanksgiving day.
03'29 a letter to aunt about his/ her life in the ship before arrived the new world.
03'21 a letter to aunt about the life after the ship arrived the new world. the enviroment to survive is so
        difficult. weather was so cold. some people had dead and food was limited.
发表于 2013-9-30 10:38:30 | 只看该作者
Time2 1min47 the ship Mayflowr encountered a storm and then turned to safer trading routine, following with the detail development. After Jones died ,the ship was appraised for probate purposed.
Time3 3min the pilgrims hired the ship “speed well” ,Maflower ship and speed well ship set sail for Amrica, then the Mayflower arrived at America while the pilgrims encountered the storms ,leaked and returned .pilgrims stayed in local to research another place to plantation.

Time4 1min introduce the organization and facilities in the ship such as forecastle, pop house and so on
Time5 1min30 cargo hold is the place that pilgrims stored food ,drink .
       Gun desk is the place for passengers’living , and cabin is the place for small families’living.
Time6  1min 50 though no woman died during the Mayflower’ voyage, in the following many women died and the extremely possibility reason for women high morality was that they stayed in the ship longer than men, increasing exposure to colds. At last, there was only five women living to take care of men and children.
Time7 4min54 how did the pilgrims to establish the conoly across the ocean.pilgrims liked religious free and no government intervene, with the help of a good mechant, they prepared two ships--speedswell and Mayerflower , to sail from England, as a result, only Mayerflower achieve the new land,  not cape cold, but a wrong place, they faced the largest challenges, many woman died there in the first winter, finally, they created a new conoly who then joined the local conoly and surivive with the help of local conoly. They began to celebrate the first thanksgiving day.
Time8 1min 57 the author told us that pilgrims’life in the ship. They lived in tiny cabin and there are many sickness, they prey in the moring with dishes of fish and beer, they put their faith in god and hope they can achieve soon.
Time9 2min they were greatful arriving at the new world, but suriving in the land was a challenge.many people died for disease, for the living people, they had to face the difficulty of hunting and remaining a little food.
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-29 18:19:18 | 只看该作者
鸢尾yuanwei 发表于 2013-9-25 18:41
习惯了呢。。因为每次都是从神猴那个汇总贴进去,然后就从一个系列的第一个开始顺序往下做~~~~~呵呵呵~~~ ...

发表于 2013-9-29 14:21:13 | 只看该作者
1'47 [197WPM] present the bg of the mayflower, and its voyage to America as the first cargo ship. also introduced the


2'17 [200WPM] Due to the serious leak of the Speedwell,Mayflower have to vayage alone for America. Finally, the

Mayflower did it.

0'45 [173WPM] The Mayflower anchored in Cap Cod, rather than Hudson river. But the crew decided to explore the Cap Cod

and construct building there.

1'06 [182WPM] Introduce the name and function of different parts on the ship.

2'03 [189WPM] Describe the harsh living condition of the crew member on the deck. Also the weapons on the ship enable it

to defend against pirates and to be called as warship during war time.

1'53 [184WPM] Very few women participate the cross atlantic voyage. And those crews also as husbands are often making

hard dicision upon whether leave their wives behind or not. However, some crews took their wives with them on the

Mayflower, there are also some young girls near marriage age on the borad.

2'41 [153WPM] The women's mortality rate was extremly high in the new world. Some reasons were stated.

4'37 [171WPM]
Main ideaife after arrival
Author's Attitude:Neutral
Structrue: The explorer get the permission to colonize the certain area of the new world, but when they reach the

America, they suffer from serious starving. They survived after forming alliance with the native people and set up the

发表于 2013-9-29 07:43:39 | 只看该作者
1'56'56  CJ brought the mayflower and a brife intro of his exprience and the ship's history.
2'37'14  the mayflower started its first trip to America with Speedwell but Speedwell quitted because of leaking. Finally mayflower took the trip alone and arrived New York.
42'22    Mayflower landed North, the Provincetown Harbour. and the pilgrim finally decided to building the plantation in Plymous.
3'24'49  Intro of the Gun deck: primarily living area, very crowded for 66-day trip.
2'19'19  the problem with women in the voyage: few women can stand the tough trip, but most pilgrim think their wives should come with them because they cannot withstand staying years without wives.
2'27'04  the mortality of women: many were died during or after the trip, may cause by disease; only five survived in the first winter. However, the families stay in England are all safe.
5'05'11  some England Protestants was unpleased with the corrupted England church and went to Holland, but they also suffer other problems there, eg low paid, and therefore they decided to go accross the Antactic to the new land.
             They gathered in London and got merchant's financial support for the trip as well as the permission of leaving England from the King. About forty saint joined the trip with two ships: Mayflower and Speedwell. However, the leeking of Speedwell affected the whole trip and thereby they encourntered storm when they arrived.
              About half colonists died in the first winter. The rest of them started to get involved with local people by teaching them language and learning hunting from them. finally them get involved with Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony.
发表于 2013-9-28 10:59:30 | 只看该作者
Main point:the process of The Mayflower to ‘New World’
(1)Pilgrims Before the Mayflower(to Holland to decide to go to the New World)
(2)the journey of the Mayflower on the sea
(3)The Mayflower Compact
(4)Plymouth Colony and the First Thanksgiving
The first voyage of Mayflower and the following voyage of it.
The voyage of it to now America and what it would be after that.
The voyage of Mayflower towards America.
Two boat,one left in England,and they all took ‘the Mayflower’.
The leak of Speedwell
The introduction of the rooms in the Mayflower.
The different idea about whether they should take the women or leave the women behind.
Lots of women died in the first winter.  Why they died.   Only few of them lived through that trip.
发表于 2013-9-25 18:41:02 | 只看该作者
jay871750293 发表于 2013-9-24 09:37
不客气哈~ 鸢尾~
另外,我弱弱地问一句哈:为什么没有从最新的练习开始呢?感觉好像有好几次你都是在老帖 ...

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