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[逻辑小分队] 【每日逻辑练习第二季【2-3】

发表于 2012-10-24 17:12:04 | 显示全部楼层
Premise: A populations are declining
Premise: ozone layer which blocks UVB has been depleted. UVB damage A.
Premise: A are vulnerable due to eggs and no hair
Conclusion: depletion of ozone layer is primary cause of declining A population
Type: strengthenX
Answer: D
D is irrelevant while others are strengthen.

17. Time: 56s
Premise: HR has only standard tables.
Premise: celebrities viewers prefer tall to standard.
Premise: diners on tall tables stay shorter than on standard.
Conclusion: If HR replace some to tall, profits will increase.
Type: weaken
Answer: D

18. Time: 61s
Premise: CTC is to introduce cts to C, and will spend a big money
Premise: farmers in C will not have enough money to pay CTC
Conclusion: CTC contends that the program will be profitable.
Type: strengthen
Answer: A

19. Time: 36s
Premise: a record number of new jobs were created last year because two reasons, new companies brought new jobs and old companies added new jobs.
Premise: old jobs will not add as many as last years.
Conclusion: unless a great number of new companies start up, it will not break the record.
Type: assumption
Answer: B

A1 + B1 < C1,
B2< B1 and  ?

20. Time: 80s
Premise: PTIC payout was larger than they can afford.
Premise: PTIC cannot change the number of payout then they offer a discount to holders with a device.
Premise: more customers will buy device to get the discount.
Conclusion: PTIC will reduce its annual payouts.
Type: evaluation
Answer: B
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