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[阅读小分队] 【每日阅读训练第四期——速度越障15系列】【15-04】文史哲

发表于 2013-2-27 15:57:49 | 显示全部楼层
Passage 1.
This passage talks about the battle between two dogs. The author describes a lot of details.
Passage 2.
Buck wins the fight?
Spitz loses the fight and ran away?
Passage 3.
A lady became the CEO of yahoo, and the career paths of women in companies provoke the media and lively debate in the public. In the fast 5 years, more ladies were promoted to higher rank in company, especially in Europe and US. But In Asia, ladies have to take care of families, so they are more difficultly to reach a high position in company. The counterparts in Asia still have a long way to go than those in Europe and US.

Passage 4.
This passage is talking about the law in fifteenth century in France. Animals were treated as human beings when they break the law. For example, a sow and six piglet attacked and kill a 5-years child. As a result, the animals were suited in the court, and the sow as hanged by her hind feet from a "gallows tree'.
Passage 5
This passage continues to talk about the trail of animals. Why the animals were brought to trails is human being deem that the animals have free will to make choice. Judges consider the animals' personal circumstances before making a legal decision. Another cases happened in France again, but two held of swine kill a person, and both held were killed. Therefore, the judgments are different and should be analyzed case by case.
President Obama want to negotiate with the Republican about the issue of spending cuts, but the way talking to republican is important, Obama should modulate his aggression. Then the author talked about the immigration reform draft has leaked from the white house. So many republican senates doubted the leadership of US' President.
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