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发表于 2011-11-10 00:38:27 | 显示全部楼层


-- by 会员 UlysessHope (2011/11/9 23:57:46)

发表于 2011-11-10 00:40:45 | 显示全部楼层
-- by 会员 UlysessHope (2011/11/9 23:57:46)

紧张是正常的哈。 不过hopehope,我和糊糊都觉得verbal最好不要太依赖JJ,注意pace和相信自己。
-- by 会员 daisyの小夢想 (2011/11/10 0:00:10)

100%赞同daisy的话,verbal JJ害死我了~真的要在考场上相信自己的实力,其他的都是浮云~
发表于 2011-11-12 08:39:34 | 显示全部楼层
P: The alteration in the indensity of light is the reason of biological change for every 24 hours.
C: There is much evidence to contradict the hypothesis.
S: There are other reasons to change the cycle.
A: E

(A) Human body temperature varies throughout the day, with the maximum occurring in the late afternoon and
the minimum in the morning.
--> this is caused by the light--support
(B) While some animals, such as the robin, are more active during the day, others, such as mice, show greater
activity at night.
--> we are talking about the human body here, but not the animals.
(C) When people move from one time zone to another, their daily biological rhythms adjust in a matter of days to
the periods of sunlight and darkness in the new zone.
--> support
(D) Certain single-cell plants display daily biological rhythms even when the part of the cell containing the
nucleus is removed.
--> irrelevant.
(E) Even when exposed to constant light intensity around the clock, some algae display rates of photosynthesis
that are much greater during daylight hours than at night.
-> weaken.
发表于 2011-11-12 08:55:18 | 显示全部楼层
P: The headache is caused by food allergy.
C: There must be other reasons besides the food allergy since headache still exists when people on diet.
W: The side-effect of food allergy still exists even after removed the food.
(A) Many common foods elicit an allergic response only after several days, making it very difficult to observe
links between specific foods patients eat and headaches they develop.
--> contender
(B) Food allergies affect many people who never develop the symptom of migraine headaches.--> we don't care how many ppl are allergic to food.
(C) Many patients report that the foods that cause them migraine headaches are among the foods that they
most enjoy eating.--> the food preference is irrelevant.
(D) Very few patients have allergic migraine reactions as children live migraine-free adult lives once they have
eliminated from their diets foods to which they have been demonstrated to be allergic.
--> support
(E) Very rarely do food allergies cause patients to suffer a symptom more severe than that of migraine
--> other symptom is irrelevant here.
发表于 2011-11-12 09:23:50 | 显示全部楼层
P: The innovation and technology within the bicycle are only interested by the racers.
C: Therefore, the racers are the only people who buy these bikes.
A: No other customers interested in these innovations besides these racers.
A: C

P: The increase of 8% rate spending on research and development. however, the increase continues a downward trend since 1981.
C: Therefore, the tax credit of 25% did nothing to the research and development.
(A) Business spending on research and development is usually directly proportional to business profits.--> in this case, it would decrease.
(B) Business spending for research and development in 1985 could not increase by more than 8.3%.-->this % is irrelevant, since there's no background info.
(C) Had the 1981 tax credit been set higher than 25%, business spending for research and development after
1981 would have increased more than it did.
(D) In the absence of the 25% tax credit, business spending for research and development after 1981 would not
have been substantially lower than it was.--> 这个选项没明白~不是说没有25%的时候,spending会在1981后比他原先的要高?怎么变成低了?
(E) Tax credits market for specific investments are rarely effective in inducing businesses to make those investments.--> this is to support the argument.
发表于 2011-11-12 09:37:24 | 显示全部楼层
P: The save of medical expenses to 1/4 is required to have treatment for hypertension.
C: There is no economic treatment for hypertension.
W: A
(A) The many fatal strokes and heart attacks resulting from untreated hypertension cause insignificant medical
expenditures but large economic losses of other sorts.-->contender: 证明用在治疗上的一般都是不重要的医疗费用,所以不宜采用,这样就说明了不是因为没有economic treatment的问题了。
(B) The cost, per patient, of preventive treatment for hypertension would remain constant even if such treatment
were instituted on a large scale.--> support.
(C) In matters of health care, economic considerations should ideally not be dominant.--> support
(D) Effective prevention presupposes early diagnosis, and programs to ensure early diagnosis are costly. --> early diagnosis' cost is irrelevant.
(E) The net savings in medical resources achieved by some preventive health measures are smaller than the net losses attributable to certain other measures of this kind.--> savings are smaller than losses, that means there won't be economic treatment.
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