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楼主: notedboy
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厦大会计研究生or 普华永道

发表于 2010-5-5 19:42:35 | 显示全部楼层
if i were u, i'd pick up pwc~
easy, why wait to make money after 3 will gain significant w/e without idling in school~
btw, what can u get from this graduate study?
hi,buddy,thanks for your comments. What I really concerned a lot is the  uniersity of my undergraduate progamme is not better than Xiamen University in accounting field. If I chose PwC, My education backround will be never altered even if I got  a whole bunch of experience in PwC.maybe I will never get this chance to get into this famous Univeristy in accounting. but anyway, you have a point, PwC could equip the people with not only special knowledge but also auditing experience. but one is not likely to work in big four all one' life.huh any idea?
-- by 会员 notedboy (2008/3/24 14:03:00)

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