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[梦之队日记] 9月group 1 问题讨论贴

发表于 2008-8-15 21:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用caojie8182在2008-8-4 14:38:00的发言:
哦,我是用的OG 10的序列, 难不成差了?...

我也有不明白的呀, 见下, 想了一晚上没想清楚:


Dr. A: The new influenza vaccine is
useless at best and possibly dangerous. I would never use it on a patient.


Dr. B: But three studies published in the Journal of Medical Associates have rated
that vaccine as unusually effective.


Dr. A: The studies must have been faulty
because the vaccine is worthless.


In which of the following is the reasoning
most similar to that of Dr. A?


(A) Three of my
patients have been harmed by that vaccine during the past three weeks, so the
vaccine is unsafe.


(B) Jerrold
Jersey recommends this milk, and I don’t trust Jerrold Jersey, so I won’t buy
this milk.


(C) Wingzz
tennis balls perform best because they are far more effective than any other
tennis balls.


(D) I’m buying
Vim Vitamins. Doctors recommend them more often than they recommend any other
vitamins, so Vim Vitamins must be good.


(E) Since University of Muldoon
graduates score about 20 percent higher than average on the GMAT, Sheila Lee, a
University of Muldoon graduate, will score about 20
percent higher than average when she takes the GMAT.





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