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版主: lavie
请高人推荐技术写作相关教材 程门立雪 2006-9-22 0865
经济学家.Economist.Jul.30th.2005 attachment soloal 2005-9-4 21323
[求助]哪位有统计学和计量经济学方面的书籍吗? amandaqin 2006-9-20 0826
[下载]The Financial Numbers Game olive0503 2006-8-29 21267
关于会计or 财务类期刊,你在读什么? 我爱学习 2005-8-4 41339
seek International Financial Management书 jackzjh 2006-9-18 0903
请牛牛帮忙推荐accounting经典书目 yangree 2006-9-13 0903
請問北京哪個書店有英文原版會計書賣﹖ sally02ll 2006-9-3 1890
recommend Daniel_zyx 2006-9-10 0850
[求助]Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process, 3rd Edition attachment cfa2006mq 2006-9-6 01157
[求助]2007 Level III Candidate Readings attachment cfa2006mq 2006-9-6 0948
[求助]Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis, 2nd attachment cfa2006mq 2006-9-6 01079
[原创]世界经济学通用教材----曼昆的《经济学原理》(英汉双语)-----市场上都买不到的好书 grant111 2006-9-3 11822
求书:Entrepreneurship yliang1 2006-9-4 0819
求《Corporate Finance 7e by Stephen A. Ross》的习题答案 aidm 2005-11-25 92890
求《modeling financial time seies with S-Plus 2ed》 windlove 2006-9-1 0857
[分享][下载]爱迪斯《企业生命周期》PDF版 ayun3561362 2006-8-25 14581
[求助]市场背景基本为零的人适合看什麽书来作为入门书目呢? 水色 2006-6-8 21011
求本书:Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences bloodymica 2006-8-31 0761
求本书:Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences bloodymica 2006-8-30 01045
谁有迈克尔 波特的《日本还有竞争力么》? zhangyuanhao 2006-8-30 0785
求电子版Accounting详情见内 likui 2006-8-30 01033
求书,求书!谢谢先! 不朽 2006-8-25 1744
上传了三本原版英文书,欢迎下载 olive0503 2006-8-20 22226
求教,关于英文数字图书馆 Steinrich 2006-8-26 0795
MIS经典书目 程门立雪 2006-8-26 01041
请牛牛帮忙列个理解MIS 的书单或是网站(非常感谢!) roberta 2004-7-27 21153
求金融相关书三本 jiayin 2006-8-25 0846
求: "International Investments" adale 2006-8-23 1874
求大象也能跳舞的英文版!谢谢 yaobinchao 2006-8-6 1946
求实物期权--Real Option方面的书! zhangyuanhao 2006-8-23 0820
求Palisade公司出品的教材!!! zhangyuanhao 2006-8-23 0848
Help: Econometric Methods by Johnston et. al. jimjohn 2006-8-22 0650
[求助]求K. Thomas Liaw, The Business of Investment Banking, 2nd ed., John Wiley & S kevin_ws 2006-8-21 0867
[求助]求书:Foundamentals of corporate finace lmlb 2006-3-18 61057
求助!请问哪位有options, futures and other derivatives 的student solution manual! 急需! cy9175 2005-10-31 31256
求:statistic analysis for manager相关书 grace_info 2006-7-15 1967
[求助] 关于Research methods texts的书籍 爱睡觉的猫 2006-7-16 1846
[分享]质量管理体系术语-基础和术语.ISO.9000-2005 attachment soloal 2006-8-12 1908
[下载]Guide to a Balanced Scorecard_Performance Management Methodology attachment soloal 2006-8-11 01053
那位有《财富的革命》? an0765 2006-8-9 0716
[求助]请大家帮忙 greenfly408 2006-8-9 0696
help!!! yeisu 2006-8-8 0634
这是另外一个Dell Case attachment izone 2003-9-10 82300
Stochastics for the worst case distributions and risk Measures for minimal retu attachment leeciao 2006-8-7 01019
Jumps in Rank and Expected Returns Introducing Varying Cross-sectional Risk attachment leeciao 2006-8-7 01077
International Portfolio Investment Theory, Evidence and Institutional Framework attachment leeciao 2006-8-7 01049
求Douglas J.Palrymple Marketing Management fcx417 2006-8-5 1831
[求助]哪里可以找到Robert N.Anthony的 水模样 2006-8-6 0786
Stanford Paper attachment osha 2005-6-19 31126
请问谁有《私有和公众选择〉这本书,谢谢! yeisu 2006-8-2 0826
金融工程交流帖  ...2 brainwash 2003-7-7 104959
求“Takeovers, Restructuring, and Corporate Governance”习题答案 lmlb 2006-7-28 01000
[分享]呓语网摘-BBC 预言2026年中国经济世界之首 Johnlakeshore 2006-7-27 01257
Bargaining Theory 的一个简介 attachment wyue99 2006-7-22 01209
微观经济学 高鸿业 attachment flying_pig 2005-8-8 41619
急求“the tipping point"和“a walk down the wall street " yaobinchao 2006-7-17 21243
求Fixed Income Securities:Tools for Today's Market和Term Sheets and Valuation,愿意购买 sawaii 2006-7-18 01218
团队管理实例 (大话西游)! [推荐] lesley 2003-8-26 93329


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