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huluhulufei 的作业贴~

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-21 20:15:19 | 只看该作者
7.21综合 TPO 12

The reading passage holds the point that a portrait of a teenage girl owned by a member of the Austen family should be the portrait of Austen. However, the professor in the lecture claims that the evidences that reading provides are unconvincing. He uses three points to support his idea.
First, the reading argues that in 1882, Austen's family had given permission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition of her letters, which proves that the portrait should be Austen's because the family had already recognized it as a portrait of her. On the contrary, the professor recommends that it had been 70 after Austen's death. The living family members in 1882 hadn't ever seen Austen. Therefore, they didn't have the right to assert that the portrait was Austen's or not.
Second, the reading insists that the portrait should be Austen's because it resembles the one in Cassandra's sketch, which has been known as the depiction of Austen. However, the professor points out that it could be the relative of Austen. The extended family was so large that the portrait could be her cousins or cousins' children’s. And many experts have made an agreement that it is one of Austen's niece's.
Third, the professor points out that the time that the painting was made wasn't during Austen's teenage, as the passage assets, but during the time later. He makes this point convincible by the fact that the painting's canvas was not sold in London when Austen was a teenage girl, because it was demonstrated that it was sold by a man when Austen had already been 27 years old in London. Therefore, the portrait couldn't be Austen's.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-21 20:56:58 | 只看该作者
7.21 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In a team, those who do not accept other’s criticism cannot succeed. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Nowadays, people have to make great effort to strive in this highly-competitive society. No one would have success without other’s help and corporation. Team work for modern people, especially for white collars in office, is extremely important. Also, without the criticism from other team members, no one would make progress and benefit the whole team. Therefore, I could hardly agree with the statement that those who don’t accept other’s criticism in a team can succeed. The reasons are as follows.

To begin with, do not accept others’ criticism means no agreement for a team decision, and it strongly harms the whole team. For instance, one of my University Student Club--- French Learning with Happiness, always face the problem of wasting large amount of time making an agreement. Both the club leader and the team members have the habit of ignoring other’s opinions. Thus, when they have to decide the next club theme along with the activity place and time, they will have meetings times and times again. Unfortunately but rationally, the club will be closed soon by the school. Obviously, the acceptation of other’s opinion is of great importance to the whole team development.

In addition, disregarding other’s opinions also means no improvement opportunities for an individual. It’s well known that no one in this world is absolutely consummate, without any personality flaws. And always, we can’t see our shortcomings clearly. The only way for us to improve our abilities in various areas is to listen to the recommendations from others. Therefore, if a person is too proud, he won’t have the chance to know himself, to correct his shortcomings, thus make progress. What’s more, no one would like to make friends with proud people. In this way, they’ll indulge in a negative recycle, which means the degeneration.

I concede that it’s of importance to hold the point of one’s own, to be steady to the final team purpose. However, if the original direction is totally the opposite, even the efforts the whole team makes is dramatically hard, the result will be meaningless. It’s of great significance for team members to make criticism for others, especially for the team leaders, to hold the whole team directions and make effective decisions. It is with frequent adjustment that a ship can arrive the final destination effectively.

In sum, the statement that those who can’t accept other’s criticism cannot succeed is absolutely correct. Because they’ll waste large amount of time, decrease the quality of team decision, and harm the team profit if they cannot accept other’s criticism.
发表于 2012-7-22 15:48:57 | 只看该作者
7.21综合 TPO 12

整体写的很好,而且跟听力原文差不多, 加油!

The reading passage holds the point that a portrait of ateenage girl owned by a member of the Austen family should be the portrait ofAusten. However, the professor in the lecture claims that the evidences thatreading provides are unconvincing. He uses three points to support his idea.

First, the reading argues that in 1882, Austen's familyhad given permission to use the portrait as an illustration in an edition ofher letters, which proves that the portrait should be Austen's because thefamily had already recognized it as a portrait of her. On the contrary, theprofessor recommends that it had been 70 years afterAusten's death. The living family members in 1882 had n't ever never seen Austen. Therefore, they didn't have theright to assert that the portrait was Austen's or not.

Second, the reading insists that the portrait should beAusten's because it resembles the one in Cassandra's sketch, which has beenknown as the depiction of Austen. However, the professor points out that itcould be the relative of Austen. The extended family was so large that theportrait could be her cousins or cousins' children’s. And many experts havemade an agreement that it is one of Austen's niece's.

Third, the professor points out that the time that the painting was madewasn't during Austen's teenage, as the passage assets, but during the timelater. He makes this point convincible by the fact that the painting's canvaswas not sold in London when Austen was a teenage girl, because it wasdemonstrated that it was sold by a man when Austen had already been 27years old in London. Therefore, the portrait couldn't be Austen's.
In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies theweaknesses in the reading passage and convincingly shows that the centralargument in the reading of the portrait is Austen herself is incorrect.
发表于 2012-7-22 17:12:06 | 只看该作者
Nowadays, people have to make great effort to strive in this highly-competitive society. No one would have success without other’s help and corporation. Team work for modern people, especially for white collars in office, is extremely important. Also, without the criticism from other team members, no one would make progress and benefit the whole team. Therefore, I could hardly agree with the statement that those who don’t accept other’s criticism in a team can succeed. The reasons are as follows.

To begin with,
do not accept others’ criticism(这样可以做主语么,我不是很清楚) means no agreement for a team decision, and it strongly harms the whole team. For instance, one of my University Student Club--- French Learning with Happiness, always face the problem of wasting large amount of time making an agreement. Both the club leader and the team members have the habit of ignoring other’s opinions. Thus, when they have to decide the next club theme along with the activity’s place and time, they will have meetings times and times again. Unfortunately but rationally, the club will be closed soon by the school. Obviously, the acceptation of other’s opinion is of great importance to the whole team development.

In addition, disregarding other’s opinions also means no improvement opportunities for an individual. It’s well known that no one in this world is absolutely consummate, without any personality flaws. And always, we can’t see our shortcomings clearly. The only way for us to improve our abilities in various areas is to listen to the recommendations from others. Therefore, if a person is too proud, he won’t have the chance to know himself, to correct his shortcomings, thus
(lose the opportunities to)make progress. What’s more, no one would like to make friends with proud people. In this way, they’ll indulge in a negative recycle, which means the degeneration.

I concede that it’s of importance to hold the point of one’s own, to be steady to the final team purpose. However, if the original direction is totally the opposite, even the efforts the whole team makes is dramatically hard, the result will be meaningless. It’s of great significance for team members to make criticism for others, especially for the team leaders, to hold the whole team directions and make effective decisions. It is with frequent adjustment that a ship can arrive the final destination effectively.

In sum, the statement that those who can’t accept other’s criticism cannot succeed is
absolutely(这个是太绝对化的词额) correct. Because they’ll waste large amount of time, decrease the quality of team decision, and harm the team profit(这个词是指团队利益么the interests of the team or group) if they cannot accept other’s criticism.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-22 18:55:19 | 只看该作者
谢谢kch 的批改!! feifei会注意滴~ 另外,那个: do ont accept other's criticism  我应该改为: not accepting other's criticism. 这样就不会歧义了~  现在就去改你的喽~看看这次有没有错别字嗫~哈~
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-22 20:50:45 | 只看该作者
7.22综合 TPO 13

The reading passage holds the point that it's an unfortunate development that rare and important fossils are being sold to private ownership instead to museums. However, the professor in the lecture claims that the evident that the reading provides are too exaggerated and the advantages of doing so outweigh its disadvantages. He uses three specific points to support his idea.

First, the reading asserts that selling fossils to private ownership will prevent the public to see the collections. On the contrary, the professor points out that it's just because of the exposure of fossil that the public can have a look at the fossils and purchase them. Even the low-level public institutions can purchase them to exhibit for the public, so the public has more opportunities to have a look at the fossils. Thus the professor's statement disproves its counterpart in the reading.

Second, even though the reading insists that scientists will lose great opportunities to find discoveries about extinct life forms because the fossils will be sold to the private ownership, the professor points out the statement unconvincing. Without the identification from scientists, who can make the value of fossils? By making detail examinations and tests, scientists will not miss out potential crucial discoveries. Therefore, the reading passage's statement is untenable.

Third, the reading claims that the commercial fossil collectors will destroy valuable scientific evidence associated with the fossils they unearth, and the professor concedes it's true. However, if scientists are those who have the absolute right to collect fossils, much more fossils will surely be undiscovered for a dramatic long time. Therefore, it's commercial fossil collectors that make great contribution to the large amount of fossil findings. Their advantages outweigh the disadvantages. So it's of significance for commercial fossil collectors to dig fossils. In this way, the professor proves the reading's assertion indefensible.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-22 21:36:22 | 只看该作者
722Some people believe that people should follow their ambitious dreams and goals even they are not realistic; others believe that people should focus on achieving realistic goals. What’s your opinion and why? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Nowadays, people have to make great efforts to strive in this highly competitive society. It’s the dreams and goals that direct them. People without dreams are people without souls. Therefore, even though the dreams may seem unrealistic, it’s of great significance for people to pursue them. In this way, I agree with the statement that people should follow their ambitious dreams and goals though they are not realistic. The reasons are as follows.

To begin with, only with dreams and goals can a person succeed finally. No one is born having everything and there’s nothing that is impossible. It is dreams that make one’s life colorful, and it’s also dreams that give people hope to overcome the difficulties in life. Without dreams, the president Lincoln would not have been one of the greatest presidents in American history. What’s more, he had been told of hundreds of times that it was impossible and unrealistic to be the president. However, the most unrealistic thing happened, because his persistence to dreams.

In addition, the ambitious dreams and goals will make one outstanding, therefore attracting huge amount of people to help him achieve the final goal. Ambitious people always have a strong positive influence on others. At the same time they give other’s hope, confidence and ambitions as well. In turn, the followers will surely make collective effort to help the person reach the common goal. Take president Obama for example. He was such a man with great ambitions, and makes his followers help him to compete for the president. What’s more, the seemingly unrealistic dream of Obama finally came true. This obviously supports my statement.

I concede that if people only have the dreams and goals without specific abilities and action, they’ll of course fail. However, ambitious people always have a clear understanding of their weakness and superiorities. Therefore, they’ll have great opportunities to correct their mistakes and to be more and more outstanding. What’s more, if people always feel the dreams unrealistic, how can they make great progress to reach a higher goal? If they’re addicted to the happiness and comfortable environment at present, how can they break through difficulties to reach a higher social status in the future? In this way, it’s the ambitious goals and dreams that evoke the inner hope of a person, directing them to success.

In sum, the statement that people should follow ambitious goals and dreams though they are unrealistic is correct, because the goals will provoke their potentials, lead them to the right directions and force them to correct their mistakes.
发表于 2012-7-22 23:23:13 | 只看该作者
feifei你太好了,你把T和G一起准备额。 真不错。 这样可以一举两得。 mumu, feifei,一起进步哈。
发表于 2012-7-23 08:34:32 | 只看该作者
722Some people believe that people should follow their ambitious dreams and goals even they are not realistic; others believe that people should focus on achieving realistic goals. What’s your opinion and why? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Nowadays, people have to make great efforts to strive in this highly competitive society. It’s the dreams and goals that direct them. People without dreams are equal to people without souls.(这句话还是很别扭) Therefore, even though the dreams may seem unrealistic, it’s of great significance for people to pursue them.(中式表达) In this way, I agree with the statement that people should follow their ambitious dreams and goals though they are not realistic. The reasons are as follows.

To begin with, only with dreams and goals can a person succeed finally. No one is born having everything and there’s nothing that is impossible. It is dreams that make one’s life colorful, and it’s also dreams that gives people hope to overcome the difficulties in life. Without dreams, the president Lincoln would not have been be(从句很少用完成时的吧,读起来不通顺,我也不知道具体用哪个时态) one of the greatest presidents in American history. What’s more, he had been told of hundreds of times that it was impossible and unrealistic to be the president. However, the most unrealistic thing happened, because his persistence to dreams. (希望中间有一个过渡句,两句之间有个过度...)

In addition, the ambitious dreams and goals will make one outstanding, therefore attracting huge amount of people to help him achieve the final goal. Those who have Ambitious dreams people always have have a strong positive influence on others people around them. At the same time they give other’s hope, confidence and ambitions as well. In turn, the followers will surely make collective effort to help the person reach the common goal. Take president Obama for example. He was such a man with great ambitions, and makes his followers help him to compete for the president. What’s more, the seemingly unrealistic dream of Obama finally came true. This obviously supports my statement.(例子很好,但是说明不够...)

I concede that if people only have the dreams and goals without specific abilities and action, they’ll of course fail. However, ambitious people always have a clear understanding of their weakness and superiorities. Therefore, they’ll have great opportunities to correct their mistakes and to be more and more outstanding. What’s more, if people always feel the dreams unrealistic, how can they make great progress to reach a higher goal? If they’re addicted to the happiness and comfortable environment at present, how can they break through difficulties to reach a higher social status in the future? In this way, it’s the ambitious goals and dreams that evoke the inner hope of a person, directing them to success.

In sum, I agree with the statement that people should follow ambitious goals and dreams though they are unrealistic is correct, because the goals will provoke their potentials, lead them to the right directions and force them to correct their mistakes.

hulu的思路很好, 事例也很多
但是,第二段开头论点不是很明确,既然点出了没有dream就不会成功,那么应该紧跟着论述no dream 不成功或者 have dream 成功的例子。colorful和overcome difficulties的例子应该在叙述完例子后补充说明,这样才有逻辑性,文章也会更加通顺(我也常犯这样的错误...)
第三段说奥巴马的时候可以说 it is his ambitious dream that makes followers...
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-23 20:32:01 | 只看该作者
1 Without dreams, the president Lincoln would not have been be(从句很少用完成时的吧,读起来不通顺,我也不知道具体用哪个时态)


2 I agree with the statement that people should follow ambitious goals and dreams though they are unrealistic is correct.

楼主修改之前句子是对的。That 后面的部分是同位语。谓语部分在后面的 is correct.

3 People without dreams areequal to people without souls.(这句话还是很别扭)

这个 feifei又想了一下,应该改成: A man without dreams is like a body without soul. 这样就对了~

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