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发表于 2012-2-28 03:24:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


In recent years, teachers of introductory
courses in Asian American studies have been facing
a dilemma nonexistent a few decades ago, when
hardly any texts in that field were available. Today,
(5)excellent anthologies and other introductory texts
exist, and books on individual Asian American
nationality groups and on general issues important
for Asian Americans are published almost weekly.
Even professors who are experts in the field find
(10) it difficult to decide which of these to assign to
students; nonexperts who teach in related areas
and are looking for writings for and by Asian
Americans to include in survey courses are in an
even worse position.
(15)A complicating factor has been the continuing
lack of specialized one-volume reference works on
Asian Americans, such as biographical dictionaries
or desktop encyclopedias. Such works would
enable students taking Asian American studies
(20) courses (and professors in related fields) to look
up basic information on Asian American individuals,
institutions, history, and culture without having
to wade through mountains of primary source
material. In addition, given such works, Asian
(25) American studies professors might feel more free to
include more challenging Asian American material in
their introductory reading lists, since good reference
works allow students to acquire on their own the
background information necessary to interpret
(30) difficult or unfamiliar material.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-28 03:24:36 | 只看该作者
Questions 42-46 refer to the passage on page 376.

42.  The author of the passage is primarily concerned with
doing which of the following?
(A) Recommending a methodology
(B) Describing a course of study
(C) Discussing a problem
(D) Evaluating a past course of action
(E) Responding to a criticism
Main idea
This question about the author's intent requires
looking at the whole passage. The first paragraph
introduces a problem unknown just a short time
ago: an overabundance of materials. The second
paragraph explains a complicating factor of this
problem: the lack of reference works. A
consideration of the passage as a whole shows that
the author is most interested in discussing a
A    A methodology is a system of principles and
practices, or methods; no such system is
recommended in this passage.
B     The author does not describe a particular
course in Asian American studies, but rather
points out a problem shared by all courses in
the field.
C     Correct. The author discusses the problem
created by the existence of too many
materials and the nonexistence of easily
usable reference works.
D    The author discusses a current situation, as
the opening, in recent years, indicates.
E     If the author were responding to a criticism,
the passage would likely cite the source of
the criticism and discuss the basis of it; no
such source is cited here.
The correct answer is C.

43.  The "dilemma" mentioned in line 3 can best be
characterized as being caused by the necessity to
make a choice when faced with a
(A) lack of acceptable alternatives
(B) lack of strict standards for evaluating
(C) preponderance of bad alternatives as
compared to good
(D) multitude of different alternatives
(E) large number of alternatives that are nearly
identical in content
Logical structure
This question asks the reader to consider the
context in which the author uses the word
dilemma. The first sentence establishes that this
dilemma did not exist previously, when hardly any
texts ... were available. The next sentence
introduces the contrast to today, when so many
excellent choices exist that it is difficult to select
from among them.
A    As the second sentence makes clear, it is not
a lack, but an abundance, of acceptable
alternatives that creates the problem.
B     The context in which dilemma is used, the
first two sentences, discusses a relative
wealth of materials, not a lack of standards.
C    The author calls the anthologies excellent and
does not describe any of the other materials
in a negative light.
D    Correct. Teachers face the dilemma of
choosing from the wealth of materials listed
in the second sentence.
E    The second sentence identifies four different
kinds of materials, all with varying content:
anthologies, introductory texts, books on
individual nationality groups, and books on
general issues.
The correct answer is D.

44.The passage suggests that the factor mentioned in
lines 15-18 complicates professors' attempts to
construct introductory reading lists for courses in
Asian American studies in which of the following ways?
(A) By making it difficult for professors to identify
primary source material and to obtain standard
information on Asian American history and culture
(B) By preventing professors from identifying
excellent anthologies and introductory texts in
the field that are both recent and understandable
to students
(0   By preventing professors from adequately
evaluating the quality of the numerous texts
currently being published in the field
(D) By making it more necessary for professors to
select readings for their courses that are not too
challenging for students unfamiliar with Asian
American history and culture
(E) By making it more likely that the readings
professors assign to students in their courses
will be drawn solely from primary sources
When a question asks what a passage suggests or
implies, it is often necessary to look at more than
one sentence or at sentences in different parts of
the passage. The complicating factor cited at the
beginning of the second paragraph is the lack of
reference works. How this factor affects the way
professors construct introductory reading lists is
discussed in the final sentence of that paragraph.
If students had good reference works to consult
for background information necessary to interpret
difficult or unfamiliar material, then their
professors mightfeel more free to include more
challenging Asian American material in their
introductory reading lists. This sentence suggests
that professors currently do not include
challenging material on their reading lists because
it is too difficult or unfamiliar for their students.
A    Identifying primary source material is not a
problem; the author notes that there are
mountains of it.
B    The lack of reference works does not prevent
professors from identifying the recently
published sources available in abundance to
them; these sources are listed in the second
sentence of the passage.
C The author does not link the lack of
reference materials to an inadequate
evaluation of texts.
D    Correct. Because students cannot easily find
basic information that would be available to
them in reference works, professors might be
inclined to select readings that are not too
challenging for students unfamiliar with
Asian American history and culture.
E     If reference works were available, students
would not have to consult so many primary
sources to find basic information; the
passage does not indicate that the professors
use solely primary materials.
The correct answer is D.

45.   The passage implies that which of the following was
true of introductory courses in Asian American studies
a few decades ago?
(A) The range of different textbooks that could be
assigned for such courses was extremely
(B) The texts assigned as readings in such courses
were often not very challenging for students.
(C) Students often complained about the texts
assigned to them in such courses.
(D) Such courses were offered only at schools
whose libraries were rich in primary sources.
(E) Such courses were the only means then
available by which people in the United States
could acquire knowledge of the field.
This question requires information that is implied
rather than explicitly stated in the passage. The
comparison of introductory courses in Asian
American studies taught now with those taught
a few decades ago is made in the first sentence,
where the author notes that in recent years,
teachers have faced a dilemma nonexistent a few
decades ago, when hardly any texts ... were available.
From this sentence, it is reasonable to infer that a
few decades ago, teachers of introductory courses
in this field had few texts to choose from.
A    Correct. Because hardly any texts were
available, teachers of introductory courses
had few choices when they assigned
textbooks to students.
B     Currently, professors are prevented from
assigning challenging works because
students do not have reference works to
consult for background information, but
there is no indication about the difficulty of
readings a few decades ago.
C    The passage provides no information about
student response to the readings.
D    The passage does not discuss the primary-
source materials available in school libraries.
E    The author does not claim that these
introductory courses were the sole means of
acquiring knowledge in this field.
The correct answer is A.

46. According to the passage, the existence of good one-
volume reference works about Asian Americans could
result in
(A) increased agreement among professors of Asian
American studies regarding the quality of the
sources available in their field
(B) an increase in the number of students signing up
for introductory courses in Asian American
(C) increased accuracy in writings that concern
Asian American history and culture
(D) the use of introductory texts about Asian
American history and culture in courses outside
the field of Asian American studies
(E) the inclusion of a wider range of Asian American
material in introductory reading lists in Asian
American studies
Supporting ideas
The phrase according to the passage indicates that
this question concerns information that is
explicitly stated in the passage. In the second
paragraph, the author identifies two related
advantages that would result if good one-volume
reference works existed in this field: (1) students
would be able to look up basic information easily,
and (2) professors would be able to assign more
challenging texts because of the students'
resulting access to information required to
understand those texts. Thus, introductory
reading lists could include a wider range of
materials than they do presently.
A    The author neither indicates that reference
works would promote a consensus of opinion
on the quality of sources nor calls the
quality of sources into question.
B    The author does not link the availability of
reference works to the popularity of courses.
C    The author does not claim that the
availability of reference works would
increase accuracy in writing about the field.
D    The passage mentions that nonexperts,
professors who teach in related fields, might
also benefit from using reference works, but
there is no indication that the existence of a
good one-volume work would result in the
use of introductory texts in Asian American
studies outside the field.
E     Correct. The existence of a good, easy-to-
use reference work would allow professors
to include a greater range of materials,
including those that are more challenging,
in their introductory reading lists.
The correct answer is E.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-28 03:24:48 | 只看该作者

In the seventeenth-century Florentine textile
industry, women were employed primarily in low-
paying, low-skill jobs. To explain this segregation
of labor by gender, economists have relied on
(5)the useful theory of human capital. According
to this theory, investment in human capital—the
acquisition of difficult job-related skills—generally
benefits individuals by making them eligible to
engage in well-paid occupations. Women's role as
(10) child bearers, however, results in interruptions in
their participation in the job market (as compared
with men's) and thus reduces their opportunities
to acquire training for highly skilled work. In
addition, the human capital theory explains why
(15) there was a high concentration of women workers
in certain low-skill jobs, such as weaving, but not
in others, such as combing or carding, by positing
that because of their primary responsibility in child
rearing women took occupations that could be
(20) carried out in the home.
     There were, however, differences in pay scales
that cannot be explained by the human capital
theory. For example, male construction workers
were paid significantly higher wages than female
(25) taffeta weavers. The wage difference between
these two low-skill occupations stems from the
segregation of labor by gender: because a limited
number of occupations were open to women, there
was a large supply of workers in their fields, and
(30) this "overcrowding" resulted in women receiving
lower wages and men receiving higher wages.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-28 03:25:05 | 只看该作者
Questions 47-49 refer to the passage on page 378.

47.   The passage suggests that combing and carding differ
from weaving in that combing and carding were
(A) low-skill jobs performed primarily by women
(B) low-skill jobs that were not performed in the
(0   low-skill jobs performed by both male and
female employees
(D) high-skill jobs performed outside the home
(E) high-skill jobs performed by both male and
female employees
Since the question uses the word suggests, the
answer is probably not directly stated in the
passage and therefore has to be inferred. How was
weaving different from carding and combing?
Lines 16-17 discuss weaving, combing, and
carding; all three activities are characterized as
low-skill jobs. As the human capital theory notes,
there was a concentration of women in certain
low-skill occupations because they could be carried
out in the home (lines 19-20); weaving was one
such occupation. Since the passage implies that
relatively few women worked in carding and
combing, these jobs presumably could not be
carried out in the home. Thus the passage
suggests that carding and combing were low-skill
jobs, mostly done by men working outside the
A    Lines 15-17 imply that women
predominated in weaving but that carding
and combing were done mainly by men.
B     Correct. Carding and combing, unlike
weaving, could not be done at home.
C     The passage suggests that weaving, carding,
and combing were all low-skill jobs done bv
both men and women, although the
concentrations of the genders in these jobs
were different; this statement does not
explain how the passage suggests that
combing and carding differ from weaving.
D    Lines 16-17 characterize all three jobs as
E     Lines 16—17 characterize all three jobs as
The correct answer is B.

48.  Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the
explanation provided by the human capital theory for
women's concentration in certain occupations in
seventeenth-century Florence?
(A) Women were unlikely to work outside the home
even in occupations whose hours were flexible
enough to allow women to accommodate
domestic tasks as well as paid labor.
(B) Parents were less likely to teach occupational
skills to their daughters than they were to
their sons.
(C) Women's participation in the Florentine paid
labor force grew steadily throughout the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
(D) The vast majority of female weavers in the
Florentine wool industry had children.
(E) Few women worked as weavers in the Florentine
silk industry, which was devoted to making
cloths that required a high degree of skill to
Logical structure
To answer this question, examine the logic of the
explanation. How does the human capital theory
explain women's concentration in certain
occupations? The theory says that women's roles
in childbearing made it difficult for them to
acquire the skills needed in high-skill jobs.
Moreover, their role in child rearing made them
choose occupations that could be carried out at
home. Evidence against either of these points will
weaken the explanation.
A    Correct. If women of that time were
generally unlikely to take any jobs outside
the home, even those that allowed them to
handle their domestic tasks, then these tasks
are not the reason women predominated in
jobs that they could do within the home, as
the human capital theory posits.
B     Different levels of teaching by parents may
help perpetuate job segregation, but this is
quite consistent with the socially defined
role that women then had as childbearers
and child rearers and the explanation
provided by the human capital theory.
C    The growth of women's participation in the
paid labor force does not afFect the
explanation of occupational concentrations
provided by the human capital theory.
D    The explanation suggests the women chose
weaving because they had children to raise
at home. The fact that the majority of
weavers had children actually supports,
rather than weakens, the explanation.
E    Silk weaving was a high-skill job, exactly
the kind of job that women would not have
in the human capital explanation. This point
supports, rather than weakens, the
The correct answer is A.

49.   The author of the passage would be most likely to
describe the explanation provided by the human
capital theory for the high concentration of women in
certain occupations in the seventeenth-century
Florentine textile industry as
(A) well founded though incomplete
(B) difficult to articulate
(0   plausible but poorly substantiated
(D) seriously flawed
(E) contrary to recent research
Logical structure
This question requires an evaluation of the
author's point of view. What does the author
think of the human capital explanation of
women's occupational concentration in the
Florentine textile industry? In line 5, the author
characterizes the theory as useful, a positive word
reflecting a positive evaluation. However, the
entire second paragraph is devoted to examining
differences in pay scales that cannot be explained by
the human capital theory. The author's positive view
of the theory is qualified by the theory's inability
to explain an important point.
A    Correct. This statement reflects the author's
generally positive evaluation, as well as
concerns about insufficiencies.
B    The author articulates the theory without
difficulty and does not criticize it as difficult
to articulate.
C    To substantiate the theory means to provide
evidence that verifies the theory. The author
regards the theory's explanations of high
concentration of women in certain
occupations as sound, and so is unlikely to
regard the theory as poorly substantiated.
D    If the author regarded the theory as seriously
flawed, the passage would not describe it as
useful (see line 5).
E    The author does not mention recent
The correct answer is A.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-28 04:05:25 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-28 04:05:40 | 只看该作者



发表于 2012-2-28 08:01:46 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-28 12:57:15 | 只看该作者


饭饭5点就开始复习了么,,,-- by 会员 erok (2012/2/28 8:01:46)

发表于 2012-3-6 23:09:33 | 只看该作者
to 饭饭姐~


44题,我选的a~我总觉得c应该是第一段的问题,而15-18行分明是下一段lack specialized reference books,而且后面说了such work,我觉得就是在进一步说明15-18行,所以我才选了a~

 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-6 23:51:21 | 只看该作者
to 饭饭姐~


44题,我选的a~我总觉得c应该是第一段的问题,而15-18行分明是下一段lack specialized reference books,而且后面说了such work,我觉得就是在进一步说明15-18行,所以我才选了a~

-- by 会员 bob9603 (2012/3/6 23:09:33)

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