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发表于 2012-2-29 21:14:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


(This passage was adapted from an article written
in 1992.)
Line    Some observers have attributed the dramatic
growth in temporary employment that occurred in
the United States during the 1980s to increased
participation in the workforce by certain groups,
(5) such as first-time or reentering workers, who
supposedly prefer such arrangements. However,
statistical analyses reveal that demographic
changes in the workforce did not correlate with
variations in the total number of temporary
(10) workers. Instead, these analyses suggest that
factors affecting employers account for the rise
in temporary employment. One factor is product
demand: temporary employment is favored by
employers who are adapting to fluctuating demand
(15) for products while at the same time seeking
to reduce overall labor costs. Another factor
is labor's reduced bargaining strength, which
allows employers more control over the terms of
employment. Given the analyses, which reveal that
(20) growth in temporary employment now far exceeds
the level explainable by recent workforce entry
rates of groups said to prefer temporary jobs, firms
should be discouraged from creating excessive
numbers of temporary positions. Government
(25) policymakers should consider mandating benefit
coverage for temporary employees, promoting pay
equity between temporary and permanent workers,
assisting labor unions in organizing temporary
workers, and encouraging firms to assign temporary
(30) jobs primarily to employees who explicitly indicate
that preference.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-29 21:14:26 | 只看该作者
Questions 50-56 refer to the passage on page 380.

50.   The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) present the results of statistical analyses and
propose further studies
(B) explain a recent development and predict its
eventual consequences
(0   identify the reasons for a trend and recommend
measures to address it
(D) outline several theories about a phenomenon
and advocate one of them
(E) describe the potential consequences of
implementing a new policy and argue in favor of
that policy
Main idea
Understanding the author's purpose comes from a
careful consideration of the whole passage. The
author begins by noting one explanation for the
rise in temporary employment, but dismisses it,
finding another explanation more likely. The
author closes the passage by making specific
recommendations to counter the problems caused
by temporary employment.
A    The author uses statistical analyses as the
basis of an explanation, but the analyses act
only as support for the larger purpose of
explaining a trend; no further studies are
B    The author explores possible reasons for a
recent development but recommends ways to
curb or change that development; the author
does not predict the consequences if the
situation is left unchanged or the
recommendations unmet.
C    Correct. The author examines possible
reasons for the rise in temporary
employment and makes specific
recommendations to change the current
D    The use of the phrase several theories is
enough to make this inaccurate. Two types
of explanation are suggested: employee
preference or employer self-interest.
E    The author makes recommendations but
provides no arguments in support of those
recommendations—merely suggesting that
they are aimed at discouraging employers
from creating too many temporary positions.
The correct answer is C.

51.According to the passage, which of the following is
true of the "factors affecting employers" that are
mentioned in lines 10-19?
(A) Most experts cite them as having initiated the
growth in temporary employment that occurred
during the 1980s.
(B) They may account for the increase in the total
number of temporary workers during the 1980s.
(0   They were less important than demographic
change in accounting for the increase of
temporary employment during the 1980s.
(D) They included a sharp increase in the cost of
labor during the 1980s.
(E) They are more difficult to account for than are
other factors involved in the growth of
temporary employment during the 1980s.
Supporting idea
This question is based on information explicitly
stated in lines 10-12. The statistical analyses
suggest that factors affecting employers account for the
rise in temporary employment.
A    Some observers attribute the rise to the
composition of the workforce; the passage
does not identify what most experts believe.
B     Correct. The factors affecting employers
may explain the rise in temporary
C The passage suggests that these factors were
more important than demographic changes
in explaining the rise.
D    Although there is some suggestion in lines
15-16 that employers at some point
experienced difficulty from the cost of labor,
the passage does not suggest that a sharp
increase in that cost occurred in the 1980s—
and even suggests that labor costs may have
decreased because of labor's reduced
bargaining strength.
E    The issue of how to account for those factors
(i.e., explain why they occurred) is not raised
in the passage—so the issue of whether
those factors are more difficult to account
for than other factors is not raised.
The correct answer is B.

52.  The passage suggests which of the following
about the use of temporary employment by firms
during the 1980s?
(A) It enabled firms to deal with fluctuating product
demand far more efficiently than they did before
the 1980s.
(B) It increased as a result of increased participation
in the workforce by certain demographic groups.
(0   It was discouraged by government-mandated
(D) It was a response to preferences indicated by
certain employees for more flexible working
(E) It increased partly as a result of workers' reduced
ability to control the terms of their employment.
Since the word suggests is used in the question, the
answer is probably not directly stated in the
passage and therefore has to be inferred. The
author believes that the rise in temporary
employment during the 1980s can be explained
by two factors affecting employers: product
demand and labors reduced bargaining strength.
Temporary employment allows employers to
adapt their workforce to the fluctuating demand
for their product. At this time, labors reduced
bargaining strength left employers, not workers, in
greater control of the terms of employment.
A    This goes too far beyond the information
provided in the passage. The passage neither
says nor implies anything about efficiency
levels before the 1980s.
B     The author says that demographic changes in
the workforce did not correlate with variations
in the total number of temporary workers,
ruling out this explanation.
C    In 1992, the author recommended
government-mandated policies because they
did not exist.
D    The author says that growth in temporary
employment now far exceeds the level
explainable by... groups said to prefer
E     Correct. Labor's reduced bargaining power
resulted in employers' increased control over
the terms of employment.

53.   The passage suggests which of the following about the
workers who took temporary jobs during the 1980s?
(A) Their jobs frequently led to permanent positions
within firms.
(B) They constituted a less demographically diverse
group than has been suggested.
(C) They were occasionally involved in actions
organized by labor unions.
(D) Their pay declined during the decade in
comparison with the pay of permanent
(E) They did not necessarily prefer temporary
employment to permanent employment.
The question's use of the word suggests indicates
that the answer is probably not directly stated in
the passage. The author says that the rise in
temporary employment nowfar exceeds the level
explainable by recent workforce entry rates of groups
said to prefer temporaryjobs. Thus, the number of
workers employed on a temporary basis is far
greater than the number of workers who actually
do prefer temporary employment.
A    No evidence is presented that temporary
jobs led to permanent positions.
B    The passage grants that there was increased
participation in the workforce by certain groups,
such asfirst-time or reentering workers. This
suggests more rather than less demographic
C    The role of temporary workers in labor
unions is not discussed.
D    The passage does suggest that the pay of
temporary workers is less than that of
permanent workers, but not that the pay of
temporary workers declined.
E    Correct. The passage indicates that the
number of workers in temporary jobs was
higher than the number of workers who
stated a preference for temporary work.
The correct answer is E.

54.  The first sentence in the passage suggests that the
"observers" mentioned in line 1 would be most likely to
predict which of the following?
(A) That the number of new temporary positions
would decline as fewer workers who preferred
temporary employment entered the workforce
(B) That the total number of temporary positions
would increase as fewer workers were able to
find permanent positions
(0   That employers would have less control over the
terms of workers' employment as workers
increased their bargaining strength
(D) That more workers would be hired for temporary
positions as product demand increased -
(E) That the number of workers taking temporary
positions would increase as more workers in any
given demographic group entered the workforce
These observers specifically attribute the growth .<
of temporary employment to increased participation
in the workforce by certain groups ... who supposedly
prefer such arrangements. On the basis of theA
passage's first sentence, any prediction these
observers might make must be about the relation
between the number of workers in temporary
employment and the preference of these workers
for temporary employment. No other issue is
discussed. A rise in temporary employment
could be explained only by a rise in the number
of new workers who prefer temporary jobs, and
a decline in temporary employment only by a
decline in the number of new workers who prefer
temporary work.
A    Correct. By this rationale, the only reason
for a decline in temporary employment
would be a corresponding decline in the
number of new workers who preferred
temporary jobs.
B    According to the observers, temporary
employment would increase only if a greater
number of employers who preferred
temDprary jobs entered the workforce.
C    These observers are not said to consider
control over the terms of employment.
D    These observers are not said to consider the
relationship between product demand and
temporary employment.
E     The number of workers taking temporary
positions would rise only if they were
composed of certain groups, such as first-time
or reentering workers, who, the observers
believe, prefer temporary work.
The correct answer is A.

55.   In the context of the passage, the word "excessive"
(line 23) most closely corresponds to which of the
following phrases?
(A) Far more than can be justified by worker
(B) Far more than can be explained by fluctuations
in product demand
(0   Far more than can be beneficial to the success
of the firms themselves
(D) Far more than can be accounted for by an
expanding national economy
(E) Far more than can be attributed to increases in
the total number of people in the workforce
Logical structure
In its context in this passage, the word excessive
indicates a value-judgment by the author. The
author recommends that firms be discouragedfrom
creating excessive numbers of temporary positions on
the basis of the statistical analyses, which show
that the rise in temporary employment nowfar
exceeds the level explainable by recent workforce entry
rates of groups said to prefer temporary jobs. In the
context of lines 24—31, it is clear that the author
believes that the large expansion in temporary
employment exclusively serves employer interests
at the expense of employee interests (including
their preferences), and \s\ for that reason,
A    Correct. An expansion of temporary
employment that serves employer interests
more than it serves employee interests (such
as preferences) is considered by the author to
be excessive.
B     It is not because the expansion in temporary
employment allows employers to respond to
fluctuations in product demand that the
author regards the expansion as excessive.
C    The relation of temporary employment to
the success of firms is not discussed.
D    The relation of temporary employment to an
expanding economy is not discussed.
E    The author does not consider the issue of
overall increases in the workforce as a whole,
only the issue of increases in temporary
The correct answer is A.

56.  The passage mentions each of the following as an
appropriate kind of governmental action EXCEPT
(A) getting firms to offer temporary employment
primarily to a certain group of people
(B) encouraging equitable pay for temporary and
permanent employees
(C) facilitating the organization of temporary
workers by labor unions
(D) establishing guidelines on the proportion of
temporary workers that firms should employ
(E) ensuring that temporary workers obtain benefits
from their employers
Supporting ideas
The author closes the passage with a list of
specific recommendations. Check that list against
the possible answers. By the process of
elimination, choose the one recommendation the
author does not make. The author recommends
that government policymakers consider: 1)
mandating benefit coverage for temporary employees,
2) promoting pay equity between temporary and
permanent workers, 3) assisting labor unions in
organizing temporary workers, and 4) encouraging
firms to assign temporary jobs primarily to employees
who explicitly indicate that preference.
A    The author does recommend that firms
assign temporary jobs to workers who prefer
temporary work.
B     The author does recommend that pay equity
between temporary and permanent workers
be encouraged.
C    The author does recommend that labor
unions be assisted in organizing temporary
D    Correct. The author does not recommend
that such guidelines be established.
E    The author does recommend that benefit
coverage for temporary workers be
The correct answer is D.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-29 21:14:40 | 只看该作者

Line      In Winters v. United States (1908), the Supreme
Court held that the right to use waters flowing through
or adjacent to the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
was reserved to American Indians by the treaty
(5)establishing the reservation. Although this treaty did
not mention water rights, the Court ruled that the
federal government, when it created the reservation,
intended to deal fairly with American Indians by
reserving for them the waters without which their
(10)lands would have been useless. Later decisions, citing
Winters, established that courts can find federal rights
to reserve water for particular purposes if (1) the land
in question lies within an enclave under exclusive
federal jurisdiction, (2) the land has been formally
(15)withdrawn from federal public lands—i.e., withdrawn
from the stock of federal lands available for private
use under federal land use laws—and set aside or
reserved, and (3) the circumstances reveal the
government intended to reserve water as well as land
(20)when establishing the reservation.
         Some American Indian tribes have also established
water rights through the courts based on their
traditional diversion and use of certain waters prior to
the United States' acquisition of sovereignty. For
(25)example, the Rio Grande pueblos already existed when
the United States acquired sovereignty over New
Mexico in 1848. Although they at that time became
part of the United States, the pueblo lands never
formally constituted a part of federal public lands; in
(30) any event, no treaty, statute, or executive order has
ever designated or withdrawn the pueblos from public
lands as American Indian reservations. This fact,
however, has not barred application of the Winters
doctrine. What constitutes an American Indian
(35) reservation is a question of practice, not of legal
definition, and the pueblos have always been treated
as reservations by the United States. This pragmatic
approach is buttressed by Arizona v. California (1963),
wherein the Supreme Court indicated that the manner
(40) in which any type of federal reservation is created
does not affect the application to it of the Winters
doctrine. Therefore, the reserved water rights of
Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens' water
rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be
(45) considered to have become reservations.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-29 21:14:51 | 只看该作者
Questions 57-63 refer to the passage on page 382.

57. According to the passage, which of the following was
true of the treaty establishing the Fort Belknap Indian
(A) It was challenged in the Supreme Court a
number of times.
(B) It was rescinded by the federal government, an
action that gave rise to the Winters case.
(C) It cited American Indians' traditional use of the
land's resources.
(D) It failed to mention water rights to be enjoyed by
the reservation's inhabitants.
(E) It was modified by the Supreme Court in
Arizona v. California.
Supporting ideas
This question requires recognizing information
that is explicitly stated in the passage. In the first
sentence, the passage states that the Fort Belknap
Indian Reservation was established by treaty. The
following sentence begins by stating that this
treaty did not mention water rights (lines 5-6); in
other words, the right to use the water flowing
through the reservation was not established by
A    Although the Supreme Court ruled on
water rights for the reservation established
by the treaty, there is no evidence in the
passage that the treaty itself was ever
challenged in the Supreme Court.
B     Although the Winters case resulted in water
rights for the reservation established by the
treaty, there is no evidence in the passage
that the treaty was ever rescinded.
C    The passage does not mention American
Indians' traditional resource use as being
tied to the treaty establishing the Fort
Belknap Indian Reservation.
D    Correct. The passage states explicitly that
the treaty establishing the Fort Belknap
Indian Reservation did not mention the
right to use water flowing through the
E    The passage does not mention the Fort
Belknap Indian Reservation or the treaty
that established it in relation to Arizona v.
The correct answer is D.

58.The passage suggests that, if the criteria discussed in
?lines 10-20 were the only criteria for establishing a
reservation's water rights, which of the following would
be true?
(A) The water rights of the inhabitants of the Fort
Belknap Indian Reservation would not take
precedence over those of other citizens.
(B) Reservations established before 1848 would be
judged to have no water rights.
(0   There would be no legal basis for the water
rights of the Rio Grande pueblos.
(D) Reservations other than American Indian
reservations could not be created with reserved
water rights.
(E) Treaties establishing reservations would have to
mention water rights explicitly in order to
reserve water for a particular purpose.
Answering this question requires making an
inference based on information given in the
passage. The question focuses on lines 10-20,
where the passage provides a summary of the
criteria used by the U.S. courts to establish water
rights. The passage then explains that the Rio
Grande pueblos used other means to establish
water rights, noting that what constitutes an
American Indian reservation is a question of practice,
not of legal definition (lines 34-36). This strongly
implies that establishing water rights for the Rio
Grande pueblos required reference to legal
language not contained in the criteria described in
lines 10-20.
A     Since the passage says that decisions setting
the criteria in lines 10-20 cited the Winters
case—which gave water rights to the Fort
Belknap Indian Reservation—one can infer
that the Fort Belknap reservation met all of
those criteria.
B The criteria in lines 10-20 do not touch on
specific dates of the transfer of sovereignty
over particular lands.
C     Correct. The passage demonstrates that for
the Rio Grande pueblos, it was necessary to
establish water rights based on criteria not
contained in lines 10-20.
D The criteria described in lines 10-20 are not
specific only to lands reserved for American
E     The passage illustrates that Winters
established water rights in the absence of
any explicit mention of water rights in the
The correct answer is C.

59.   Which of the following most accurately summarizes
the relationship between Arizona v. California in lines
38-42, and the criteria citing the Winters doctrine in
lines 10-20?
(A}   Arizona v. California abolishes these criteria and
establishes a competing set of criteria for
applying the Winters doctrine.
(B) Arizona v. California establishes that the Winters
doctrine applies to a broader range of situations
than those defined by these criteria.
(0   Arizona v. California represents the sole example
of an exception to the criteria as they were set
forth in the Winters doctrine.
(D) Arizona v. California does not refer to the Winters
doctrine to justify water rights, whereas these
criteria do rely on the Winters doctrine.
(E) Arizona v. California applies the criteria derived
from the Winters doctrine only to federal lands
other than American Indian reservations.
This question requires inferring how one part of
the passage bears on another part of the passage.
The two parts referred to are the criteria described
in lines 10-20 and Arizona v. California, which is
referred to in lines 38-45. Arizona v. California
shows that the establishment of water rights need
not be tied to any previous legal definition of
reservation lands but may be tied to the U.S.
government s practice merely of treating the land
as reserved for American Indians. The criteria
described in lines 10-20 apply to situations in
which the land in question has been legally
identified as reservation land. So Arizona v.
California broadened the scope of Winters in
establishing water rights.
A    The passage illustrates that Arizona v.
California does not supersede or deny any of
the criteria in lines 10-20.
B     Correct. The passage suggests that practice
and not legal definition (lines 34-36) allows
Winters to be applied to situations not
covered by the criteria in lines 10-20.
C    In stating that some American Indian tribes
have also established water rights by means
other than the criteria in lines 10-20, the
first sentence of the second paragraph makes
clear that Arizona v. California is not the
sole exception to the criteria.
D    The passage states that Arizona v. California
does refer to Winters.
E    The passage illustrates that Arizona v.
California was directly relevant to the
Pueblo Indians' water rights.
The correct answer is B.

60.   The "pragmatic approach" mentioned in lines 37-38
of the passage is best defined as one that
(A) grants recognition to reservations that were
never formally established but that have
traditionally been treated as such
(B) determines the water rights of all citizens in a
particular region by examining the actual history
of water usage in that region
(0   gives federal courts the right to reserve water
along with land even when it is clear that the
government originally intended to reserve only
the land
(D) bases the decision to recognize the legal rights
of a group on the practical effect such a
recognition is likely to have on other citizens
(E) dictates that courts ignore precedents set by
such cases as Winters v. United States in
deciding what water rights belong to reserved
Supporting ideas
This question requires recognizing what a
particular phrase in the passage is referring to.
The pragmatic approach the question refers to is
introduced by the passage as this pragmatic
approach. It is therefore necessary to identify
which approach the passage has already referred
to in this context, which in this case is contained
in the sentence just prior to the reference. This
sentence states that establishing what is an
American Indian reservation is a matter of the
U.S. government's practice and not of any formal,
legal definition.
A    Correct. The approach referred to as
pragmatic involves establishing American
Indian reservations based not on formal law
but on the government's established practice
of treating the lands as such.
B    The approach referred to as pragmatic is not
specific to establishing water rights.
C    The approach referred to as pragmatic is not
specific to establishing water rights.
D    The approach referred to as pragmatic does
not refer to balancing the rights of some
people with rights of others.
E    The approach referred to as pragmatic is
shown to be consistent with and supportive
of the rights established by Winters.
The correct answer is A.

61.The author cites the fact that the Rio Grande pueblos
were never formally withdrawn from public lands
primarily in order to do which of the following?
(A) Suggest why it might have been argued that the
Winters doctrine ought not to apply to pueblo
(B) Imply that the United States never really
acquired sovereignty over pueblo lands
(C) Argue that the pueblo lands ought still to be
considered part of federal public lands
(D) Support the argument that the water rights of
citizens other than American Indians are limited
by the Winters doctrine
(E) Suggest that federal courts cannot claim
jurisdiction over cases disputing the traditional
diversion and use of water by Pueblo Indians
Answering this question involves recognizing
how a particular part of the passage functions
within the passage as a whole. The passage
illustrates in the first paragraph that Winters was
cited in the establishment of water rights based on
a set of criteria that included the formal
withdrawal of lands by the government. In the
second paragraph, the case of the Rio Grande
pueblos is introduced as an example of lands that
had never been formally withdrawn by the
government, raising the question of whether
Winters would still be applicable in such
situations. The passage then asserts that the
situation of the pueblos has not barred (line 33) the
application of Winters.
A    Correct. While the passage affirms the
application of Winters to the situation with
the pueblos, it recognizes that it may
initially appear that Winters does not apply.
B    The passage states explicitly that the United
States did gain official sovereignty over
pueblo lands in 1848, when they became part
of the United States (lines 27-28).
C    The passage states explicitly that the pueblo
lands never formally constituted a part of
federal public lands (lines 28-29) and takes no
stand on the issue of whether particular
lands ought to be considered public lands.
D    While one can infer that the rights of other
citizens to use water could be limited by
reserving water rights for residents of
American Indian lands according to the
Winters doctrine, the passage takes no stand
on this issue.
E    The passage does not mention the rights of
federal courts to claim jurisdiction over
particular water rights cases.
The correct answer is A.

62.   The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) trace the development of laws establishing
American Indian reservations
(B) explain the legal bases for the water rights of
American Indian tribes
(C) question the legal criteria often used to
determine the water rights of American Indian
(D) discuss evidence establishing the earliest date
at which the federal government recognized the
water rights of American Indians
(E) point out a legal distinction between different
types of American Indian reservations
Main idea
This question requires recognizing the main topic
of the passage, which is about the establishment
of water rights on American Indian lands. Its
intent is to explain or describe, and it does not
take sides on any issue.
A The passage is primarily about establishing
water rights, not establishing reservations.
B Correct. The passage is an explanation of
water rights on American Indian lands.
C The passage describes legal criteria used to
establish water rights on American Indian
lands but does not take issue with them.
D    The passage does not discuss the earliest
date for water rights on American Indian
E The passage is primarily about establishing
water rights, not about types of reservations.
The correct answer is B.

63.  The passage suggests that the legal rights of citizens
other than American Indians to the use of water
flowing into the Rio Grande pueblos are
(A) guaranteed by the precedent set in Arizona v.
(B) abolished by the Winters doctrine
(C) deferred to the Pueblo Indians whenever treaties
explicitly require this
(D) guaranteed by federal land-use laws
(E) limited by the prior claims of the Pueblo Indians
Answering this question requires recognizing
what the passage implies. The passage illustrates
at the beginning of the second paragraph that
water rights were granted to Pueblo Indians based
on their use of the water in the Rio Grande
pueblos prior to U.S. sovereignty. The passage also
later states that since the Winters doctrine applies,
the water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority
over other citizens' water rights as of1848 (lines
42-44), which implies that the water rights of
citizens other than Pueblo Indians are limited.
A    The passage illustrates that Arizona v.
California reinforced the water rights of
citizens residing on American Indian
reservations; it does not imply a precedent
ensuring water rights for other citizens.
B    The passage states that the water rights of
citizens other than Pueblo Indians are lower
in priority, not abolished altogether.
C    The passage does not mention that different
. water rights have been defined by different
D    The passage does not mention that the water
rights of citizens other than Pueblo Indians
are guaranteed on pueblo lands.
E Correct. The passage states that the water
rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over
other citizens' water rights, which thereby
limits the rights of those citizens.
The correct answer is E.
发表于 2012-2-29 22:25:34 | 只看该作者




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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-29 22:31:02 | 只看该作者



 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-29 22:31:17 | 只看该作者

      虽然treaty没有提及水权 ,法院规定政府要给予土著居民土地价值所必须的水资源使用权利。
      一些印第安人通过法院建立高于独立国权利(实在不知道怎么说,大概就是国中国的意思)。举例:RG p.。【这里可能会考察逻辑上层含义】    
     indian reservation是实践问题,不是法律定义问题。。。
     Arizona v C实践上支持W法案(此处两句话逻辑联系紧密,出题点)。



    (二)RG例子提出的in order to问题:逻辑上层含义。
    (三)一段末的“particular purposes”列举题。
发表于 2012-2-29 23:01:46 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/2/29 22:31:02)

发表于 2012-3-1 00:55:43 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-1 01:23:27 | 只看该作者
-- by 会员 泾渭不凡 (2012/2/29 22:31:02)

-- by 会员 erok (2012/2/29 23:01:46)

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