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 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-1 15:42:31 | 只看该作者
helenzlf 发表于 2015-7-1 14:20
版主你好 我是某知名211财经大学毕业的,数量经济专业 绩点3.5+/4.0 现在在上海四大审计工作两年现已辞职, ...

难道告诉你不重要你就瞎写么。。。。虽然整体文书难度逊于美国,但是作为在application package里面的东西当然一切要做到最好。

在文书中的核心是你为什么要做这个career switch,以及你对post master的行业的认识和规划。你现在才工作两年,写实习经历也不算太怪,关键是看这个经历想表达的东西是否能帮你把故事说圆。
发表于 2015-7-1 16:18:16 | 只看该作者
贱才子 发表于 2015-7-1 15:32

我觉得武断的点是:的确在S16的学校里,只有Sloan一家开设MS ...

ok, let me make it more clear like this:
US tier 1: M7
US tier 2: S16
US tier 3: may that up till to top 30
=> if it is not within top 16, it is alreay tier 3 in US.

why classify like this? simple, "tier" simply means a group, which the 1st is clearly better than the 2nd, but not significant difference within the group.
and it is quite clear that M7 > S16 > top 30, so top 30 is already tier 3. I think it is really clear. i.e. those three school are tier 3 in US.
(MIT is tier 1, and no tier 2 (S16) school offer a MSF, only some within top 30 (tier 3) does. I do think the gap is quite huge indeed..)

of course US business school is the strongest in the world, and say, a tier 1 business school in APAC may be at most tier 2 in US.........

and I don't mean (and I didn't say this here also) they 被HKU/HKUST碾压的程度 (in ranking / reputation), but:
1. at most similar in terms of reputation, so just don't worth the difference in tution. (HKU level is also BB 愿意看一眼 's level, HKUST is a bit better but difference are not huge <--- accounted for location already. That's true that BB favors US school, but simply because the top one are in US. Keeping this factor (kind of ranking) constant (and also language and ability), the location doesn't matter much indeed...)
2. location: getting a school in HK/SG will give one a better chances for a job there in terms of visa policy and location..........but US MSF for a job in US (as non-STEM)? chances are so slim as non-target + international that one can ignore
P.S. for example, I don't think it is suitable to compare two universities where both of them only have good local reputation......: say HEC or UT Austin better? It will be kind of useless to do such comparsion, but rather which country one want to go.......same case for, say NUS vs some top 30 US business school (visa policy + job market analysis more important than a simple number in ranking)
发表于 2015-7-1 23:16:31 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2015-7-2 10:30:30 | 只看该作者
elhyee 发表于 2015-7-1 23:16

  版主们也不是program owner。。。。刚开了一个月的项目还需观望,之后我会参加他们家的info session,希望能有点insights
发表于 2015-7-2 14:44:04 | 只看该作者
他家的info session在上海有吗?斑竹可否给个信息渠道?
发表于 2015-7-2 18:39:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-7-2 18:55:45 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-7-4 15:27:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2015-7-5 10:40:16 | 只看该作者
请教各位大大,我准备申2016的MSF 最近在选校
在了解了综排的methodology之后 发现综排对我来说其实无所谓 但还是考虑到回国工作的问题
但是在网上搜索 公司招聘对于国外学校有什么要求 一般没有写出来
我想知道我应该通过什么渠道去了解 哪些学校回国找工作有优势?
发表于 2015-7-7 18:13:35 | 只看该作者
版主大神们好 请帮我看看我的选校有没有问题会不会太高了 申16Fall会计

非211、985 大三 国际会计专业 T108 G760 GPA3.92/4   国奖一个 一个四大实习和一个公司财务部实习 托福九月会再考一次争取上110 目标是毕业后在美国工作

目前想申的学校有: ND WFU UMich   天天盯着这仨学校

但这些都属于女神校啊 能不能再给我一些比这些低一档的学校的建议?

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