橘子哈哈 发表于 2015-3-27 21:18 ![]()
我的独立写完啦~综合可能稍微晚点因为被教授抓走了。。。我这就把独立贴上去。。综合的 ...
3.17 独立If you areselecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important toconsider in deciding whom to vote for. In school, thereare various student organizations. Students enjoy the rights to select theirown leader for their organization. They take many factors into consideration.Some people believe that the most important factors in selecting a leader ishonesty, while others contend other factors is more important than honesty whenthey choose the leader. From my perspective, I tend to endorse the formerviewpoint
One main reason isthat honesty of the leader can help the voters to make decision. Theresponsibility of the leader is to help the organization to attain its goal.Therefore the capabilities of the leader are of vital importance. The votersneed to evaluate and know the capability of participants to help them make thedecision. If the participants are dishonest, the voters cannot know theircompetency. It is not uncommon to find that the candidates use false resume tocompete for the position. Such behaviors will influence the voters’ decisionmaking and mislead them to make wrong decision. The result is that the wholeselection is a waste of time. The honesty of the leader plays an essential rolein selecting a leader.
Another reason isthat the honesty of leader can help the voters predict his /her performance.The voters can know the ability of the leader. We can expect the leader'sabilities and how can he/she contribute to the organization. In addition, thehonesty of the leader is helpful for the organization. The honest leader willnot tell lies to their organization members. Sometimes the leader will makesome mistakes in their decision making. The dishonest leaders may make commitmentsto his/her course of actions. They may cover up their mistakes. The memberscannot know the truth and make advices to the leader. As a result, theorganization may suffer a loss.
From what havebeen discussed above, I can reach the conclusion that the most important traitsof leader that I consider is honesty when I select a leader for a studentorganization. |