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发表于 2015-3-26 21:00:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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发表于 2015-3-26 23:23:16 | 只看该作者
sue 27号写不?咱俩互改??
 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-27 00:51:11 | 只看该作者

我们是写 3.27的题目吗?
独立: Agree or disagree: 要为一个学校的organization or club 选一个leader,有一些人认为最重要的是honesty.
综合: TPO 3
发表于 2015-3-27 21:18:22 | 只看该作者
sue123 发表于 2015-3-27 00:51

我们是写 3.27的题目吗?

 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-28 19:20:00 | 只看该作者
橘子哈哈 发表于 2015-3-27 21:18
我的独立写完啦~综合可能稍微晚点因为被教授抓走了。。。我这就把独立贴上去。。综合的 ...

3.17 独立
If you areselecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important toconsider in deciding whom to vote for.
In school, thereare various student organizations. Students enjoy the rights to select theirown leader for their organization. They take many factors into consideration.Some people believe that the most important factors in selecting a leader ishonesty, while others contend other factors is more important than honesty whenthey choose the leader. From my perspective, I tend to endorse the formerviewpoint

One main reason isthat honesty of the leader can help the voters to make decision. Theresponsibility of the leader is to help the organization to attain its goal.Therefore the capabilities of the leader are of vital importance. The votersneed to evaluate and know the capability of participants to help them make thedecision. If the participants are dishonest, the voters cannot know theircompetency. It is not uncommon to find that the candidates use false resume tocompete for the position. Such behaviors will influence the voters’ decisionmaking and mislead them to make wrong decision. The result is that the wholeselection is a waste of time. The honesty of the leader plays an essential rolein selecting a leader.

Another reason isthat the honesty of leader can help the voters predict his /her performance.The voters can know the ability of the leader. We can expect the leader'sabilities and how can he/she contribute to the organization. In addition, thehonesty of the leader is helpful for the organization. The honest leader willnot tell lies to their organization members. Sometimes the leader will makesome mistakes in their decision making. The dishonest leaders may make commitmentsto his/her course of actions. They may cover up their mistakes. The memberscannot know the truth and make advices to the leader. As a result, theorganization may suffer a loss.

From what havebeen discussed above, I can reach the conclusion that the most important traitsof leader that I consider is honesty when I select a leader for a studentorganization.
 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-29 23:25:50 | 只看该作者
The reading material illustrates that some problems showed in a painting suggest that the painting might not be created by Rembrandt. However, the professor in the lecture disporves the viewpoints in the reading passage and points out that examinations have proved the painting is indeed a work by Rembrandt.

First, although the reading passage states that the way of the dressing of the woman in the painting is inconsistent, the professor argues that the result of X-ray test shows that the fur collar is not painted originally by Rembrandt. The fur collar was added 100 years later, because someone wanted to increase the value of the painting.

Second, the reading passage claims that the light and shadow cannot fit together, whereas the professor indicates that this phenomenon is caused by the fur collar. In the original painting, the woman wears a light-color coat so that the disappearance of the shadow in the woman’s face is reasonable. As a result, the light and shadow can fit together in the original painting.

Third, the professor challenges that statement in the reading passage that the painting was not painted on a wood panel on which Rembrandt was used to painting. The professor contends that the fur was painted on panel that made of several pieces wood, but the original painting is painted on a panel that are made of a single wood. In fact, the panel on which the original painting was painted was made of the same tree that another panel that Rembrandt used.
发表于 2015-3-30 22:56:39 | 只看该作者

Thereading material illustrates that some problems showed in a the(这里我觉得是特指文中的painting) paintingsuggest that the painting might not be created by Rembrandt. (开始读的时候觉得有一点点难懂,可能是因为逻辑层次太多,删去showed之后可能更加明白,但是不删的话读两遍可以读懂). However, the professor in the lecture disproves disapproves the viewpoints inthe reading passage and points out that examinations have proved the paintingis indeed a work by Rembrandt.

First, although the reading passage states that the way of the dressing of the woman inthe painting is inconsistent, the professor argues that the result of X-raytest shows that the fur collar is not painted originally by Rembrandt.(这里。因为这一题要求我们不加主观色彩,所以我不建议用although。可以删去although,在the professor前加上一个but或者是however) The furcollar was added 100 years later, because someone wanted might want toincrease the value of the painting.
(如果我没记错的话,这里add furcollar的原因只是推测,并不是肯定的)

Second,the reading passage claims that the light and shadow cannot fit together,whereas the professor indicates that this phenomenon is caused by the furcollar. In the original painting, the woman wears a light-color coat so thatthe disappearance of the shadow in the woman’s face is reasonable. As a result, the light and shadow can fit together in the original painting.

Third,the professor challenges that statement in the reading passage that thepainting was not painted on a wood panel on which Rembrandt was used topainting. The professor contends that the fur was painted on panel that made ofseveral pieces wood, but the original painting is painted on a panel that are(可以删掉,如果保留的话,需要改成that is) made of a single wood. In fact, the panel on which the original paintingwas painted was made of the same tree that another panel which Rembrandt used was made of (句子结构不完整).

不足之处,1. 有一些字词上的错误;2. 有些句子结构不完整,可能和语法的掌握有关。建议看看GMAT语法的部分,应该会很有好处。
 楼主| 发表于 2015-3-30 23:09:14 | 只看该作者
橘子哈哈 发表于 2015-3-30 22:56

Thereading material illustrates that some problems showed in a the(这里我觉得是特指文中的pai ...

发表于 2015-3-30 23:30:09 | 只看该作者
3.17 独立
If you are selecting aleader for a student organization, honesty is the most important factorto consider in deciding whom to vote for.

In school, there arevarious student organizations. Students enjoy the rights to select their ownleader for their organization. They take many factors into consideration. Somepeople believe that the most important factors in selecting a leader is honesty,while others contend other factors is are (主谓不一致)more important than honesty when they choose theleader. From my perspective, I tend to endorse the former viewpoint.

One main reason is thathonesty of the leader can help the voters to make decision. The responsibilityof the leader is to help the organization to attain its goal. Therefore thecapabilities of the leader are of vital importance. The voters need to evaluateand know the capability of participants to help them make the decision. If the participants (可以换成candidatesare dishonest, thevoters cannot know their competency. It is not uncommon to find that thecandidates use false (换成 fake可能更好,我猜想你想表达的是“用假简历”,可能fake更加恰当一些) resume to compete for the position. Such behaviors will influence the voters’ decision making and mislead them to make wrong decision(我觉得直接说 such behaviors will mislead the voters to a wrong decision 就可以了,更加简洁明了). The result is that the whole selection is a waste of time. The honesty of theleader plays an essential role in selecting a leader.

Another reason is that the honesty of leader can help the voterspredict his /her 可以替换成her/his 很多英文文章中会将女性人称代词放在前面来表现对女性的尊重)performance. The voters can know the ability of the leader.We can expect如果是要表达预测的话,可以替换成predict,更加恰当一些)the leader's abilities and how can he/she(应该是she/he can contributeto the organization. In addition, the honesty of the leader is helpful for theorganization. The (替换成a,此处并不特指 honest leader will not tell lies to their(前面的leader是单数,前后不一致) organization members.Sometimes the leader will make some mistakes in their decision making. The dishonest leaders may make commitments to his/her course of actions. (这句没有看懂) They may cover up their mistakes. The members cannot know the truth and make advices to theleader. As a result, the organization may suffera loss.

From what have been discussed above, I can reach the conclusionthat the most important traits(此处可能用单数trait更好of leader that I consider is(前后单复数不一致) honesty when I select a leader for a student organization.

然后第三段中,说leader的诚实可以帮助voters预测他们的performance,这点觉得和前一段有一些重复。这个点可以support前一段中说到的help voters make decision

发表于 2015-3-30 23:30:48 | 只看该作者
sue123 发表于 2015-3-30 23:09

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