以下是引用funnytiger在2003-7-30 12:11:00的发言: 经常有人在坛子上说, 你看3流的, 很多都找到工作, 你看1流的才那么几个
我以前说过好几遍了, 当人只有一个稻草的时候, 谁都会去抓, 当人有很多稻草,就不一定要抓, 因为他知道还有别的稻草会出现(这里湾区3流mba有85%的就业率, 虽然平均工资不好, 办绿卡可能达不了标)
地域会有帮助, 尤其对3流学校来说, 所以对很多在中国走投无路的朋友, 可以考虑大城市的3流
i agree with you. not all jobs are equal. top MBA graduates simply will not take many low-level jobs that many thrid and lower tier MBAs will. heck, if all you want to is to get the hell out of China where you can't succeed, you'd better off to study nursing. this is not a joke. |