申请的Accounting phd 据小秘说是要5选1到2
7点10分打过来 两个人,各十五分钟,都是assistant professor级别的 第一个,男,声音很好听,也很好玩 What are you doing now? Are you doing some research? What's your research interest? Do u apply for any other unviersity? Do you have any offer so far? How will you choose if you have multiple choices? Do you have any question to ask me?
第二个,女,英语不大听得懂,两个问题答非所问 Talk about your research interest? 我说了两个不同的领域,然后就深究究竟哪个才是你的兴趣。 Talk about your previous research experience Do u apply to other universities? Any questions?