小Offer: Ph.D Accounting -100名左右学校 digest Paoya 2005-3-10 83951
Finance的Phd怎么没动静呀? gnepihs 2005-3-11 22185
刚刚收到INSEAD的Ph.D面试  ...2 powergreatwall 2005-2-15 125443
申请OB Phd的 请进 dreamer5 2005-3-5 63334
西班牙IESE, PhD面经! digest laststraw 2005-3-4 64106
加拿大PHD IN ACCOUNTING OFFER digest Vanilla 2005-3-10 44574
急问bachelor申PH.d(accounting),多谢~~ sunnybay 2005-3-8 62946
没人收到bc finance phd的offer吗? acongard 2005-3-10 12455
NYU PHD in Business lshen79 2005-3-9 53387
Offer-LBS(accounting phd) digest  ...2 susanna_lee 2005-3-5 179641
大家读phd都是为了在大学任教吗 nkjss 2005-3-10 12229
[讨论]PHDprogram要求国际学生的资金证明是否表示录取 jennyyguo 2005-3-8 43239
想去世界银行和imf工作读phd 要什么样的学校才有资格? nkjss 2005-3-7 510313
UCLA 的ACCOUNTING PHD littlebluesk 2005-3-7 33361
bc, phd of finance mike1999 2005-3-3 63428
有人收到商科PHD的OFFER么?  ...23 delldell 2005-2-25 268062
rejected by Duke, Madison, Cornell. PHd marketing lucyyan 2005-3-3 74199
PHD Marketing@UMich网上查状态,估计被据了。。。 yegawo 2005-3-5 23776
Reject from Wharton Ph.D in Operations and Information System Management powergreatwall 2005-3-4 43543
Got OSU Fisher waiting list email this morning. Phd in Finance digest lihaiping2005PH 2005-3-4 54495
商科PHD排名从何而知 valarie 2005-3-3 22708
Offer-Tulane U-PHD accounting susanna_lee 2005-3-4 83845
加拿大accounting phd offer一个,不知道该不该接 digest 手戈 2005-3-4 23327
UIUC, UMN, U of Maryland PhD in Finance GlendaKuo 2005-3-4 33533
[原创]有人收到Boston College finance PHd 的消息么  ...2 brightyihao 2005-3-3 126601
[建议]申请FINANCE和MARKETING PHD的朋友们  ...2 funnytiger 2004-4-28 177892
有申U of Alberta的HR Management--PHD的吗? cjp178 2005-3-1 32901
目前在OSU读ACCOUNTING&MIS PHD的中国留学生的背景资料 harrisonwu 2005-3-1 24224
最新的PhD申请进展汇总 rongdongc 2005-2-28 43079
[求助]在会计师事务所和投资银行都干过对申请金融博士有帮助吗? IORIYAGAMI 2005-2-28 33134
Rejected by Chicago GSB (PhD in Finance) tonisun2004 2005-3-1 42956
[求助]国内的博士学位申请美国博士项目有优势吗? bobwangwb 2005-2-27 24137
面试经历,PhD of Finance, at Washington State University digest  ...2 mikexie22 2004-2-28 1511392
面经:LBS-phd of accounting digest susanna_lee 2005-2-26 85611
Syraucus and UNC 的PhD in Marketing  ...2 jennyguoguo 2004-4-19 146444
Reject from DUKE Ph.D Marketing  ...2 powergreatwall 2005-2-25 136246
Some feedback from Columbia Marketing Ph.D Program digest powergreatwall 2005-2-23 73846
Strategic Managment Phd in Carlson Bschool 2005-2-26 32905
申请Maketing Phd求助! 清空淡远 2005-2-27 02067
本人在美国,寻申请2005年秋季Marketing Ph.D的朋友 tsedavid 2004-12-23 22458
[求助]急问:有过Oxford面试经验的高手(Dphil or Msc Research) forger 2005-2-26 13455
rejected@Chicago, Accounting PhD applejerry 2005-2-26 22842
关于finance phd的面试 gnepihs 2005-2-25 43113
商学院PHD读完了,很难留在美国? tausagi 2005-2-24 86606
请问PHD的interview一般应该在什么时候 jimjohn 2005-2-24 22560
关于Queen's的PhD in finance gnepihs 2005-2-21 32670
[求助]Shortlist of LBS(accounting phd) susanna_lee 2005-2-17 84256
现在还能申请2005的PHD吗?是不是截止日期已经过了? anything 2005-2-19 43071
再转一个offer,斯坦福, finance, phd walder88 2005-2-23 53705
rejection@University of Washington accounting PHD applejerry 2005-2-23 63347
一个我的朋友收到美国top-bus-school PhD 拒信!!  ...2 mablechen 2005-2-23 114861
朋友的NYU accounting PHD offer (ZZ)  ...2 walder88 2005-2-20 107105
申PhD in Finance的都有消息了吗? gnepihs 2005-2-20 32703
[讨论] 大家看看:如果拿到商学院MIS的PhD,下列哪个城市的就业形势最好  ...2 pkufool 2005-2-18 145712
phd offer(accounting) from Chicago(ZZ) walder88 2005-2-18 63241
[讨论]同一商学院的phd会比mba更难申请么? ohioele 2005-2-17 53160
[求助]先申请master,以后在读相同专业的phd 踏水 2005-2-7 94177
请问这里有申请U of Toronto, Rotman Phd 的么? kobehenry 2005-2-14 23644
any information on finance PHD of Boulder? smthny 2005-2-15 01915
替朋友报告phd offer Graduate School of Business@UChicago(ZZ) walder88 2005-2-12 93844


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