15. Editorialist: Society is obliged to bestow the privileges of adulthood upon its members once they are mature enough to accept the corresponding responsibilities. But science has established that physiological development is completed in most persons by age seventeen. Since this maturing process has been completed by most seventeen-year-olds, there is no reason not grant these citizens all of privileges of adulthood.
The editorialist's argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the ground that it
(A) assumes that it is trying to prove
(B) too hastily reaches a general conclusion on the basis of a few examples
(C) equivocates with respect to a central concept
(D) too readily accepts acclaim by appeal to inappropriate authority
(E) ignores the fact that some people are mature at age sixteen
答案是C。有人能解释一下C描述的是何种逻辑错误,是因为题干中很模糊,没有说明到底在几岁应该授予citizens all of privileges of adulthood?