以下是引用落花流水在2005-2-27 16:56:00的发言: 长江今年值这个价吗? 1,长江还没有得到教育部的学位认可。 2,长江没有得到任何国际认证。在国际上没有知名度和排名。 3,长江没有严格意义的学生交换计划。交换名额有限,并且存在很大的不确定因素。 4,长江的国际化程度极低,没有国际化的视野,也阻碍了英语能力的提高。 5,长江没有强大的校友网络,在职业市场上处于劣势。 6,长江的教授水平参差不齐,离世界级还有很大的差距。 7,长江的管理层好大喜功,没有脚踏实地的专业精神。 8,长江还没有自己的校园,硬件设施远不及中欧和科大。
1. CKMBA and CKEMBA have already received approval by the ministry of education. See http://www.ckgsb.com/chinese/index.php?article_id=664&l1=&ddbtn=. On the contrary, CEIBS has never received approval for its degree programs. The ministry of education acknowledged that CEIBS's degrees are recognized by a European agency, EFMD. Please check with the academic degree office of the Ministry of Education for details.
2. It takes time to receive international recognition by practitioners. CK has been around since 2002. However, in academic fields, CK is recognized already in several fields including Operations Management, Finance, Marketing and Accounting. Professor Chen Hong, Huang Ming and Cao Huining have published papers with CK as their employer in journals such as Operations Research, Management Science, American Economic Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies and Journal of Business. They have chaired sessions, presented and discussed papers in conferences such as American Accounting Associtaion, American Finance Association and Western Finance Association.
3. CK had exchange program with Wharton and UNC last year. CK will be working on additional exchange programs with Virginia, Insead, Columbia.
4. CK is exploring its cooperation with INSEAD. CK is also working on an English EMBA program that targets international audience. CK had talks with Columbia, Wharton, UCLA about sending their students to take classes from professors such as Huang Ming, Zhang Shi, Li, Lode, Larry Lang and Baohong Sun. CK is open to the idea of hiring faculties of non-Chinese origin but the condition is that they have to be full time at CK. This is the so called reciprocity. When western schools hire Chinese faculties, they are required to serve full time there as well. While I tend to hesitate to criticize other schools, one fact about CEIBS is that its permanent faculties are very weak.
5. CK will have its first class graduated in March. At this moment, CK stresses quality rather than quantity. One Lee, Chang-Hao can beat 14 top Chinese and Japanese go players. If CK can produce a few business leaders in the same league as Li, Ka-shin, CK will be very happy.
6. CK's faculties is the best in Asia. HKUST have some areas that are comparable, for example, marketing. As Professor Ming Huang said in his article, for academics who want to go back to China, the best choice is CK due to its emphasis on high quality research.
7. The administration at CK had lots of exprience in business education. Many of them helped to built CEIBS and were hired by CK due to that experience. Professor and Dean Xiang Bing single handedly built PKU's EMBA degree from nothing to a program with a revenue of 100 million RMB. He is a great visionary.
8. With the support of Li Ka-Shin, the campus is not a problem. It should be ready around next year. However, these days it is hard to get a land approved even with Li Ka-Shin.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-2 0:36:39编辑过] |