Is there the time management issue? are there any particular types of questions that you tend to stumble over? since you said you always immediately understand the questions in light of the correct answers, you probably need to think hard why you did wrong at the first time doing them. Next time when you have a new section done, find out the questions you did wrong, but don't look at the correct answers. Then redo those questions and see if you can get right. This is definitely more problem revealing than simply get a hindsight by moving on directly to the keys to those questions. Besides, if you are to take the LSAT, i don't concur that there would be a real-test-factor out-performance. I don't know about GT in this respect though. A small precentage of people out-performes in real LSAT test. Particularly so if you get nervous.i guess Very few LSAT test takers don't get nervous, because it is more speed demanding than any other tests. |