是否可这样看: the religious and experiential elements (in the legal development of Polymouth) do merge nowhere more closely than <the religious and experiential elements (in the legal development of Polymouth) do merge省略> in relation to the colonist idea {as to the form [in which law was to be expressed(, in either seemingly unprecedented enthusiasm for the lex scripta,) for codification.]} 即:the religious and experiential elements (in the ...)do merge most closely in relation to the colonist idea {as to the form [in which law was to be expressed(, in either seemingly unprecedented enthusiasm for the lex scripta,) for codification.]} 意思是说:就法律规范化表述的形式而言,宗教和经验因素,在其与殖民地理念的互动关系中,才融合得最为紧密。 我只是望文生义而不知所云。 |