Two Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) positions are available in Dr. Deng’s research group at Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri-Rolla). The GRA will start in the spring semester of 2015 as PhD students. Self-motivated, research-oriented MS students are encouraged to apply: (1) One GRA is preferred with Geotechnical Engineering background. The GRA will investigate one of the research topics as follows: mechanics of biologically mediated soil, hydraulic fracturing for shale gas/enhanced geothermal systems, or seismic stimulation for enhanced oil recovery. The duty of GRA will mainly focus on the theoretical and numerical work. Candidate with experiences in one or more of the following areas: contact mechanics, fracture mechanics, or seismic wave propagation, is highly encouraged for application. Strong programming ability is a big plus. (2) Another GRA is preferred with Chemical/Mechanical Engineering background. The GRA will investigate one of the research topics as follows: subsurface multiphase flow related to energy recovery and environmental remediation, or biofilm growth in the soil and rock (e.g., the bioclogging or biocementation studies). The duty of GRA will mainly focus on the laboratory experimental work. Candidate with experiences in one or more of the following areas: microfluidics, confocal laser scanning microscopy, micro-capsules, or refractive index matching, is highly encouraged for application. The international graduate student application deadline is November 15, 2014 for the spring semester of 2015. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Wen Deng through email: by including your CV, personal statement, transcript and a cover letter. The Department’s civil engineering program has been ranked consistently among the top 50 graduate civil engineering programs by USNEWS. The most recent ranking is 47 in 2013. The graduate enrollment is approximately 110 students. For more information here are some useful links: Dr. Deng’s homepage: Geotechnical Engineering: Department of Civil, Arch., and Env. Engineering: Missouri S&T Future Students: Missouri S&T: