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发表于 2014-9-2 22:53:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
[size=13.63636302947998px]题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should not pay for public transportation.

Nowadays, no one can deny the role ofpublic transportation playing in people's life. While some might argue thatpublic transportation should not charge fees for people because of its obligatoryto serve for the public, this argument sharply contrast with other who believethat public transportation which owns no income is impractical. From my ownperspective, the latter argument is on the correct philosopher side of thisissue and public transportation is no need to be free.

[size=13.63636302947998px]Admittedly, free public transportationenlighten people's economic pressure on commuting. At the same time, tempted byfree bus and subways, people's passion on private car be manifestlycompromised. Consequently, as the increasing people taking public transportationand decreasing people driving private car, we may expect the enhancement of urbantraffic.. However, to say such policy is reasonable is overstatement consideringits hurt to governmental financial and urban traffic systems in the long term.

[size=13.63636302947998px]Frist of all, without charge, public transportationwill exert an extra financial burden on the government. Vast amount ofinvestment is required to enable public transportation-like bus and subway-tobe sustainably and efficiently operated. Beijing is a good case in point. Toencourage citizens to choose bus and subway instead of private car to go towork and school, tremendous financial inputs enforce the price of bus andsubway tickets to keep in an unbelievable and unimaginable low level. Resembleto a man drinking sea water to eliminate the sense of thirst, nevertheless,such policy produces an irreversible negative effect on the government ofBeijing. As a result, the government of Beijing has to raise the price ofpublic transportation service recently to prevent from ending up in bankrupt.Therefore, all individuals ought to shoulder the social responsibility to lendtheir support in a financial way. After all, they are the major beneficiaries.

[size=13.63636302947998px]In addition, currently publictransportation is far from reaching people’s demands. Economic rule shows thatdemand’s for a product rises with the decline of its price. Similar conditionshows in traffic area. For example, expense on public transportation now isaffordable for every level of people in Beijing. However, the Beijing’s trafficcondition files the face of government previous expectation that driving inBeijing will meets less congestion. Not only is traffic congestion not solved,but also service level of public transportation turn down for the rapidlyincreased travel demand of people. Reality tells us just cratering to people’srequirement is not at the root to release traffic congestion.

[size=13.63636302947998px]Thus, it is unwise to conduct free public transportationpolicy for its threaten to the robustness of urban traffic and governmentfinancial systems though it may bring the appear improvement of traffic in ashort period.

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