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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-3 21:31:22 | 只看该作者
9-3 独立Do you agree or disagree? The best way for a teacher to let students become interested in a subject is to help them know how to use it in lives outside schools

Nowadays education has been performing an important role in the processof a society, and teachers obviously exert huge influence on student’s interestin one subject. There is no denying that our interest in a subject is influencedby many things, but I am notconvinced that knowing how to use one subject outside schools can enhancestudents’ interest.

First of all, teachers’encouragements can become catalysts to stimulate students’ interests. As the sayinggoes, confidence in yourself is the first step to success. Therefore, buildingconfidence is a main driving force for students to learn. Without confidence,students will become disoriented. A common phenomenon is abounding in everyschool: some students might be enthusiastic in certain subjects at thebeginning, yet their confidences are gradually dampened owing to thwarts.Regretful as they feel when they abandon it. Therefore, teachers should shoulderresponsibilities to encourage students when they are disappointed. Sincestudents tend to believe words from teachers, some encouragements wouldeffectively awake their confidences, therefore strengthen their interests. OnceI was very interest in Financial Management when learning accounting, but when Iencountered the topic of fluctuation of international interest rate, I felt it wasformidable to conquer and nearly gave up learning that book. But my tutor soongave me lots of useful tips and pointed out my misunderstanding, which providedme a new view toward this subject. Consequently, my interest was aroused againand I was filled with energy and power.

Secondly, teacher’s teachingstyle actually exert vital effect on student‘s interest in one subject. Some people mayassert that History is so boring, but thanks to my outstanding history teacher,I am concerned that it is the most intriguing subject I have ever learned. My historyteacher is very humorous and talented. He doesn’t read book rigidly, instead, hetells students stories passionately according to historical point, which helpsus remember the historical events without effort. Furthermore, he always showsus precious documentary film like European Renaissance, and once I was deeply attractedby the eminent masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo.Since then, I have been keen on appreciating Leonardo’s painting like The LastSupper and been immersed in European culture. Meantime, he often asks us tohave discussions and debate concerning historical stories, efficientlyactivating atmosphere. Consequently, we feel stimulating and master knowledgediligently.

Admittedly, knowing how touse one subject outside school can provide students lots of study motivation.However, I do not think that can arouse one’s interest, because students justchase for the outcome they want and may ignore the voice from deepest heart(这个用法对么- -)---their genuine interest.

In a nutshell, there exists lots of significance factors producing hugeinfluence on students’ interest. A decent teacher is someone who inspirestudents to learn fishing rather than give fishes directly.

 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-3 22:51:53 | 只看该作者
TPO 13 综合

According to the passage, sale of fossils is anunfortunate development for both scientists and the general public. Conversely, the professor holds the view that the benefits of commercial fossil tradegreatly outweigh the disadvantages.

Fist, the reading argues that since fossils are soldprivate collectors and people can hardly see fossils in the public , publicinterests would decrease. However, the professor asserts that the public islikely to have greater exposure to fossils as a result of commercial fossiltrade. Commercial fossil hunting makes a lot of fossil available for purchase,and as a result, even low level of public institution like public schools andlibraries, can buy the fossils and display them in the public.

Second, the reading indicates that scientists mayloss access to valuable fossils and they would miss lots of important discoveries.Nonetheless, the speaker says that before anyone can put a value on the fossil,fossils need to be scientifically identified. The only people who can identifyfossil are scientists who perform detail examinations and tests. So evenfossils go to private collectors, fossils must have been passed through thehands of scientists. As a result, scientific communities would not loss anyimportance.

At last, the reading affirms that fossil collectorsmay destroy essential evidence which related to the fossils unearthed. On the contrary,the professor states that  even thoughdamage may occur, it is better to find fossils than to have many fossils gocompletely undiscovered.
发表于 2014-9-4 23:16:00 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-5 21:40:57 | 只看该作者
9-4 独立 should all teachers be required to take courses every fiveyears to update their knowledge?
【重感冒脑袋全是浆糊- -主题句也不是很新颖 烦恼!希望看到好文章分享!!】

Currently, Education is one of the main pillars of a prosperous society, and it should be a life-long pursuit for people in every walk of life. Some authorities suggest that every teacher is supposed to take courses every five years to update their knowledge. In contrast, I prefer the view that a portion of teachers must shoulder the responsibility to update their knowledge every five years in line with the types of subjects they teach.

The information of some subjects, such as politics and history, changes rapidly every day; consequently, teachers are supposed to enrich their lessons with the latest news. For example, there is a hotspot concerning Pakistan opposition in talks with government to end political crisis, which would exert huge influence on the world’s pattern. History should be objective and accurate. Not only is the text book supposed to be renewed, but also teachers should catch up with the latest examination syllabus. Furthermore, the relationship between the Russia and China is changing under different historical events and the intense situation between Iran and Iraq has exerted direct effect on international politics. Provided that teachers are not conscious to update their knowledge and outlook, students’ right to broaden their views would be deprived.

However, for some other subjects, take math as an illustration, does not need teachers to renew knowledge in several years. There is no denying that the formula and theorem have been certified by predecessors for thousands of years, which, obviously, would not change anymore. As a result, it is not essential for teachers to update their knowledge no matter how the environment changes. To be specific, my text book of calculus was written in 2004 but it has no adverse effect on my studying of limits and derivatives, differential rules, integrals, and so on. Similarly, chemical equation is permanent and timeless, and all the breakthrough are on the basis of fundamental ones.

Admittedly, teachers, as professionals, need to stay engaged in their work by keeping up with our fast-changing world through frequent seminars, workshops or in-service days. Nevertheless, choosing whether or not to update the knowledge based on diverse subjects can not only save money but also limited time and energy.(这个反驳好无力..)

In a nutshell, not all teachers are supposed to take courses every five years to update their knowledge. (结尾真是太简单- -)
 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-5 22:51:43 | 只看该作者
TPO14 综合~
According to the passage, salvage logging isbeneficial both to a damaged forest and to the economy. Conversly, the professor holds the view that salvage logging would result in longer envrionmental damage and its economic benefits are also questionable.

First, the professor argues that clearing up a forest after a fire does not necessarilycreate a right condition for tree growth. In fact, the natural process of wood decomposition enriches the soil. But the removal of dead trees can result in soil that lacks nutrients which is necessary for growth. However,the reading says salvage logging is likely to help forest areasrecover from the disaster because it removes the remains of deadtrees and makes room for fresh growth immediately.(原文有些抄的太多了....)

Second, the professor asserts that spruce bark beetle has lived in the forest forhundreds of years without damage to it. Furthermore, dead trees can provide habitat for some species like birds, which provide lots of benefits for theforest. As a result, salvage logging would do more damage to health of theforest.  However, the passage states that salvage logging helps minimize the dangers of insect infestation and would contribute to the health ofthe forest, which is in sharp contrasts to the lecture.

Another evidence the lecturer adopts to refute the passage is  that the economic benefits of salvage logging are very small and do not last very long. In severely damaged forest, woods can only be used by vehicles which are expensive to use and maintain. Also, job created are temporary because lots of workers are outsiders who are more experienced,differing from the statement of the passage.            

发表于 2014-9-6 15:25:22 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-6 21:21:49 | 只看该作者
9-5 独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern society has become more complex, so it is essential for the young people to have the ability to plan and organize.

A famous saying goes “Preparedness ensures success, unpreparedness spells failure”, which means that planning and organizing is of significance for the success. I strongly agree that it is indispensable for the young people to have the ability to plan and organize in the complex society currently.

First of all, planning and organizing is the catalyst to enhance people’s effectiveness. Planning is leveraged time. Several minutes planning before tackling a problem can improve our productivity and efficiency greatly. It is obviously that lots of things must have to be planned ahead for achieving a better result. For instance, at the end of every semester, I always run into a rushing time, because I have to prepare for the examinations, finish several papers, and close some research report. It is quite easy to get lost in such a busy time. Thus, I start to learn planning strategically to improve my efficiency. I would establish a “to do” list according to priorities of things and tick off the items as I move forward. In this way, I can manage my time and solve multiple problems at the same time. Consequently, not only do I improve my studying efficiency, but also I have cultivated the ability to deal with tasks comprehensively.  

Furthermore, people with detailed plan and long-term goal can gain increasing cutting-edge in their career path. It is obvious that if a person has a clear goal, he would do his utmost to achieve what he is longing for and the company can get benefits as well. Thus, there is no dying that a well-organized person has(?) more superiority. For example, my sister succeeded in a tough job interview of KPMG. When the employer asked her that what she would do in future job, my sister fully expounded her plan if she could get the opportunity. She represented her career planning in two years and five years respectively, and she said her ultimate goal was to be one of partners of the company. Consequently, she was the only person that the company hired from nearly a hundred interviewers. The employer later said she was a unique person who has the ability to make a good plan. Therefore, a good plan is a magic weapon for winning.

Nowadays I am a student thus I am not financial independent; therefore, planning and organizing is vital for the proper regulation of financial situation. Everyone should learn to spend the money wisely, otherwise, overspending would occur. For instance, my mother gives me 500$ per month for my living expenses, but I always spent 60% on online-shopping without any plan. So usually I do not have any money remained in the end of months, and I even do not have money to have breakfast every day. Bad habits attributes in detrimental life style.

In a nutshell, the ability to plan and organize is very crucial for people's life in today's complex society.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-6 22:23:13 | 只看该作者
TPO15 综合
The lecture and reading passage hold completely different views toward the measures which have been proposed to stop the spread of the cane toad in Australia.

First, the reading passage claims that national fence can be used to prevent the spread of the toad effectively. However, the professor advocates that the national fence cannot be used to stop the spread of the cane toad since young cane toads and their eggs are easily carried by streams. So cane toads can flow from one place to another in the river and they can get through the national fence ,as a result,the method would not be effective.

What's more, the reading advocates that cane toads can be captured and destroyed by volunteers. However, the professor thinks that these untrained volunteers may destroy many Australia native frogs, and some of which are endangered. Furthermore, it is not easy to tell cane toad apart from native frogs when they are young.

At last, the reading passage claims that researchers are developing a disease-causing virus to control the cane toad populations. However, the professor advocates that this method is terrible for toad’s original habitat as toads(听错了) may be transported by researchers to other continents. If animals are infected by the virus, the virus would attack the native cane toad and devastate their populations.(这句话写的很屎 原句是:Well, Australian reptiles and amphibians are often transported to other continents by researchers or pet collectors for example. Once the animals infected by the virus reach Central and South American, the virus will attack the native cane toads and devastate their populations) Ecological disaster would happen because in the America cane toads are native species and they are vital for the ecosystem. So if they are eliminated, the whole ecosystem would suffer.  
 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-6 22:56:10 | 只看该作者
9-6 It is much easier to achieve success with help from one’s family nowadays than before. 【需要修改】

Family provides the support and backbone that everyone needs to feel accomplished, happy, and loved in life. Thus ,family is of great necessity in our life. Some people advocate that in the recent decades, family is gradually losing its significance because of the fast development of education, which enables people to become more competitive. From my perspective, thanks to family’s help, people can achieve success more easily than ever before.

Initially, family can provide more vauable job opportunities and precious suggestions when we search for jobs. Nowadays, family members are occupied in diverse jobs, which can not only provide us various working experience ,but also help us extend the social network efficiently. For instance, last year I hunted for an intership but obtained nothing unfortunately. I complained to my uncle, one of the senior managers in the City Bank, and he firstly understood my personal situation comprehensively and then provided me some specific suggestions---what to wear in an interview, what financial knowledge I should equip with before it, how to become outstanding and confidence in the group interview, what questions I should ask to the interviewers at last,etc. All these suggestions inspired me to a large extent. After an well-organized preparation, I applied a decent position in the Charted Bank consequently.   

Second, financial support is another important contribution from the family in our way to success. Psychologically, we know that there is certain bond among members of the families. When we are longing for starting a company, the family will provide financial support at first, since we seldom bail on family members.  Furthermore, as the society advances by leaps and bounds, families’ financial condition has been improved dramatically, which, I have to say, is the base for offering money support. Moreover, thanks to only-one-child policy in China, nowadays Chinese teenagers can easily get more financial support than ever before for the simple reason that in the past, there was more than one child sharing the limited sources in a family. For those  people who can make use of the financial advantage, there appears to be always a short cut to success.

Admittedly, sometimes family members have limited time or energy to offer help because they are all trapped in busy work and trivial daily things. However, if we encounter some major problems like downsizing, family members would definitely give us comfort and help us find a better job in first time. It is family members that show solicitude to us most.

In a nutshell, in order to achieve economic and career success, the need to get benefit from help provided by family members is more obvious than before. Without such help, the road to success seems often under construction.
发表于 2014-9-7 15:34:38 | 只看该作者
The lecture and reading passage hold completely different views toward the measures which have been proposed to stop the spread of the cane toad in Australia.

First, the reading passage claims that(a+) national fence can be used to prevent the spread of the toad effectively. However, the professor advocates that the national fence cannot be used to stop the spread of the cane toad(可以用disagree之类词一笔带过,重要的部分是since后的,突出主次,当然没有错,只是可以更好) since young cane toads and their eggs are easily carried by streams(and rivers). So cane toads can flow from one place to another in the river and they can get through the national fence ,as a result,the method would not be effective.

What's(what is,要不机器人不太认) more, the reading advocates that cane toads can be captured and destroyed by volunteers. However, the professor thinks that these untrained volunteers may destroy many Australia native frogs, and some of which are endangered.(漏一点when they are young) Furthermore, it is not easy to tell cane toad apart from native frogs when they are young.

At last, the reading passage claims that researchers are developing a disease-causing virus to control the cane toad populations. However, the professor advocates that this method is terrible for toad’s original habitat as toads(听错了) may be transported by researchers to other continents. If animals are infected by the virus, the virus would attack the native cane toad and devastate their populations.(这句话写的很屎 原句是:Well, Australian reptiles and amphibians are often transported to other continents by researchers or pet collectors for example. Once the animals infected by the virus reach Central and South American, the virus will attack the native cane toads and devastate their populations) Ecological disaster would happen because in the America cane toads are native species and they are vital for the ecosystem. So if they are eliminated, the whole ecosystem would suffer.  

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