Section 1 1.With the numerous opponents of the controversial new taxation measure in such afury, anyone who publicly advocated the measure did not fail to meet with ____usage. A. politic B. severe C. sober D. respectful E. dejected 解析:这个controversial法案的反对者如此 fury(这里我觉得应该是frenzy狂热的那个意思),要是有谁站出来公开支持,那么一定会(not fail to)遭遇什么样的对待(第一反应usage有点像reception的意思,webster上查到有一个manner of treating,那基本就是这个了) 如过整句这样理解的话,那可定这些出面支持的人会被这种fury骂的很惨,所以选 B/severe(webster: strongly critical or condemnatory: censorious <asevere critic>) 2.古生物学家重新研究了这个问题, 他相信被广泛接受的分类方法______了样品本质上的(essential)连续性, 通过给这些样品找一些似是而非(specious)的区别。 答案: belie 掩饰 解析:前面说的是一种分类,后面说的是连续,方式方法手段中又有specious,所以主语宾语是反方向因此应该选择belie这种表示掩盖的词汇 3.学者们对莎士比亚在他的作品中展现出的______感到惊奇, 而考虑到莎士比亚时代书相对来说比较______, 这种广泛的学习就更加的值得注意了. 参考答案: erudition 博学的 scarce 稀少的 解析: 后面说这种广泛的学习,所以前面一定要出现这种广泛的学习,因此第一个空格博学是合适的;又说更加值得注意,那么书应该少才倍加让人觉得牛逼! 4.她从来不是______: 她极其的谨慎(discreet), 所以她目前______宣扬她的激情. 参考答案: precipitate 仓促的 forbore 忍耐, 克制 解析:这道题目今年貌似已经出现了三次了,真的不想再解析了,参看之前的机经吧! 5. 找到了题源: Among the ancients, history was a literary art, as John Burrowillustrates in his fascinating compendium “A History of Histories: Epics,Chronicles, Romances and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to theTwentieth Century”. Invention was a hallmarkof ancient history, which was filled with long, often purely fictitiousspeeches of great men. It was animated by rhetoric, not by evidence. Even well into the eighteenth century, not a fewhistorians continued to understand themselves as artists, with license toinvent. 参考答案: hallmark / evidence