独立: 政府应该在医疗保障还是环境治理上花费更多精力
There is a widespread debate about which should government spend more energy and money on, medical care or environmental conservation. Considering limited energy and budget that government has, some of our citizens hope our government to attribute more to the medical care system, which is not very mature at the present. However, from a long-term perspective, others, including me, place environmental conservation in advance position for following reasons.
Admittedly, medical care is urgently needed because people are getting more and more vulnerable against diseases and some rarely diseases have emerged. But within the advanced development of medical technology and method, why there are still the same amount of or even more patients in the hospital waiting to be cured? The answer is: because environmental deterioration. Environmental deterioration, such as air pollution, makes people more easily to develop diseases, such as cardiopulmonary. A famous professor in Fudan University, for example, died of cancer. In her late life, she recalled that the environment she lived were seriously air polluted. And her doctor said that air pollution around the place she lives is one of major cause of cancer. So, just spending more energy and financial support on medical care is not enough. Concentrating on environmental improvement is the radical way for government to improve people’s life quality. Otherwise, medical care need will like a black hole, absorbing endless energy and money.
Moreover, environmental conservation influences wider range of people. A certain amount of money and time spent on environmental improvement may effect whole community people via improve their live environment. However, the same amount of money and time used for improving medical care system may only change a minority of people’s life. As everyone is born equal, government should do more things cared about the whole community instead of several patients. This is the same principle as parents always meet all children’s need and then consider each single child’s requirement.
Both medical care improvement and environmental conservation are essential for our people. But owing to the reasons I mentioned above, concentrating more on the environmental conservation is a wiser choice for our government.
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