The stars, some of them at tremendous speeds, are in motion just as the planets are, yet being so far away from Earth that their apparent positions in the sky do not change enough for their movement to be observed during a single human lifetime.
RT。OG13题目如下 The stars, some of them at tremendous speeds, are in motion just as the planets are, yet being so far away from the Earth that their apparent positions in the sky do not change enough for their movement to be observed during a single human lifetime.
A) The stars, some of them at tremendous speeds, are in motion just as the planets are, yet being
B) Like the planets, the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are
C) Although like the planets the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, yet
D) As the planets, the stars are in motion, some of them at tremendous speeds, but they are
E) The stars are in motion like the planets, some of which at tremendous speeds are in motion but
正确答案是B。看完论坛的相关帖子,我知道了其他选项的问题所在。但对B选项呢我的疑问是: B中的them和they指代是否有问题?前面有两个复数名词,them与they指代的是哪个呢?之前有帖子提到,some of them are at tremendous speeds 不能修饰stars因为星星本身没有速度(反问一下:星星怎么可能没有速度?打个比方,人跑步跑起来那人就具有速度啊)。tremendous speeds该修饰的是motion。
那么也就是说,them有可能指代前面的strars' motion?这感觉也不对,motion首先单复数不对,哪怕可以修饰,后面的they are so far away from earth。。。明显不可能是motion嘛。 那么,这里的they/them指代必然是有问题了?
关于代词指代 Ron说过:Don't overcomplicate the issue of pronouns. With pronouns, all you have to think about is ...
... What thing/person/idea the pronoun want to stand for?
... Is there a NOUN for that thing/person/idea?
... Do the pronoun and noun match (in terms of singular/plural)?
If the answers to the last two questions are "yes" and "yes", then the pronoun is fine.
That's all.
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