No small countries and no countries in the southern hemisphere have permanent seats on the UN Security Council. Each of the five countries with a permanent seat on the UNSC is in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts and a greater role for the UN in moderating regional dispute. However, some countries that are in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts are firmly against increased spending on refugees by the UN.
If the above statement is true, which of the following must also be true?
A. Some small countries do nto want the UN to increase its spending on refugees.
B. Some countries in the southern hemisphere are not in favor of increased international peacekeeping efforts
C. Some countries that have permanent seas on UNSC are against increased spending on refugees by the UN
D. Some small countries are in favor of a greater role for the UN in moderating regional disputes.
E. Some countries that are in favor of a greater role for the UN in moderating regional disputes are not located int eh southern hemisphere.
Why E is the right answer? |