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昨天argument今天ISSUE 毫无经验。。请指教!

发表于 2014-7-24 11:02:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Educationalinstitutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields ofstudy in which they are unlikely to succeed.
Write a responsein which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim.In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the mostcompelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge yourposition.
In a currentlycompetitive world, jobs are the most worrisome problems of some students andtheir parents. To choose which field of occupation seems to be a confusing andan urgent question. Educational institutions, as some guidance for the studentsto draw a perfect a blueprint, are obligatory to offer a direction for thestudents to take an ideal job. However, they ought to give as many options asthe students need instead of eliminate the ones which students are not likelyto succeed in the future.
Guidance is of somuch importance in recent days as many students are lost in the abyss ofchoosing jobs. Since most of the students lack the fundamental self-awareness,they are not likely to have a comprehensive picture of himself thus may notpinpoint an adequate job in the ocean of choices. Educational Institutes,however, acting as a lead for the students, should give apropos advice accordingto the individual status of a student and come up with a scheme that enablesthe students to vaguely possess an idea of what he or she may be good at andthen decide which one to choose exactly. Some universities which already haveinvited some experts in the field of occupation assessment to give effectivesuggestion to their senior students who are about to look for a job haveachieved some success due to the establishment of the system.
Moreover, the jobmarket is a flexible and mercurial one in which trends toward some jobsfluctuate rigidly depending on the social and government demanding. Studentsmay not be sensitive enough to collect those kind of information which isuseful for predicting future trends of job applications, but some educationalinstitutes may be able to pay attention to this. Without a doubt, they arecapable of synthesize the information and data and conclude a vague picture offuture needs and reflect it to the students which creates a solid and effectivejob web for students.
Nevertheless, thechoices given to students should not be erased the ones in which students mightnot succeed. As the market alters due to the demand of the society, nobody isthat precise to jump to decide which one is not likely to prosper in thefollowing years. Therefore, it is not responsible and smart for an educational institutewho aims to serve the needs of students to eliminate the seemingly unattractivejobs from the list. What if those who are now in failure will be eventually underestimatedor conflict with the jobs students are interested in? For example, jobs in serviceindustry used to be a low-income one that people are reluctant to take. Severalyears passed as the policy and demand which buttressed the burgeoning of thewhole industry, people may take a second look at jobs like waitress and bankclerk. As a compromise, they ought to offer a scope which ranges from the jobsstudents are interested in and those currently are in huge demand. Tailor it tothe needs of students, we might say, and never ignore anything potential.
To sum up,educational institutes who are supposed to serve the needs of students shouldprovide comprehensive service to cater the demand of students who are befuddledof their future with logical and reasonable advice on job lists. In that sense,our society will receive qualified and talented people to function effectively andoperate orderly.

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