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Perhaps no issue is talked as commonly asglobalization by people throughout the world. With the development of logisticsand information transformation, people nowadays can easily purchase productsmanufactured around the world. Topics concerning whether we should buy domesticgoods or cheaper foreign goods has triggered an intense discussion. In my pointof view, both of these two options have their own merits and demerits.Nevertheless, after taking all the elements into consideration, I assert that weshould treat those products equally whatever where they were manufactured. First and foremost, comparison betweendomestic and foreign goods can help improve the overall quality of products. Ifthe customers insist on domestic goods regardless of the price and quality, domesticcompany would gradually fall behind other foreign companies since they do nothave to bear the risk of losing customers and decreasing sales. Just like a kidwould become lazy if the family spoils him. As it describes in the economictheory that a fair competitive market would boost the economy most, acomparison between products can help find out the weakness of design andquality and strengthen it accordingly. Therefore, an advocate of purchasingdomestic goods blindly is not a wise choice. In addition, it is hard to tell which kindof products belongs to domestic goods. As the world tend to become a globalvillage nowadays, a large amount of international companies spring up.Commonly, different parts would be manufactured all the around the world and endup with assembling in the final country. It also explains why internationalcompanies always maintain a relatively low price as well as an above-averagequality. Consequently, even if you purchase foreign goods, some raw material orparticular parts may also be produced domestically. Supposing we boycottforeign good, the domestic economy would be hurt in term of tax and so on. Thusin support of some cheap and nice foreign goods may protect the country’sexportation as well. Admittedly, insisting on domestic goods belongsto a kind of patriotism because the purpose of such behavior is to increase domesticsales and stimulate economy. However, this patriotism appears to benarrow-minded without accepting other competitors. The true patriotism is tofind a way to improve quality and control cost in order to establish acompetitive edge over other foreign goods. After ruminating all the factors intoconsideration, improvement of overall quality and possible promotion ofdomestic economy all are compelling justifications in support of my argument.In order to express our patriotism in a right way and truly benefit domesticcompanies, it’s high time that we should treat all products equally whateverwhere they produced.