Duke University's
Fuqua School of Business
The Duke MBA Information Sessions
Duke University's Fuqua School of Business is everything you'd expect of a top-tier business school: an intellectually rigorous curriculum, faculty who lead in their fields, a driven student body, and a respected name that opens doors and creates opportunities. But the similarities stop here. Everything else about us is uniquely Duke!
You are invited to join admissions representatives from The Fuqua School of Business at The Duke MBA information sessions in Beijing, Shanghai, HK & Taipei. At these events, you will be able to learn about all of Duke's top-ranked MBA programs (Daytime, Cross Continent, and Global Executive) as well as The Duke MBA Health Sector Management (HSM) program. You will also be able to talk with our alumni with different background and have your personal questions answered. By the end of the event, you will understand why Duke is different.
Admissions Officer, Russell Davis, will be presenting the Duke MBA as well as providing attendees with tips and advice for putting together their strongest application. Alumni and/or current students will join the session and share their insights into what makes Duke special.
A reduced application fee of $125 may be applied if you have registered for AND have attended an Information Session hosted by Fuqua between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015.
Anyone who is interested in applying or has applied to any MBA program of The Fuqua School of Business is encouraged to attend:
The Duke MBA Information Session - Beijing(8/6)
Date: August 6, 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 19:00-21:00 (registration starts from 18:30)
Host: Russell Davis, Assistant Director of MBA Admissions
Language: English
Venue: 北京瑞吉酒店(原国际俱乐部),朝阳区建外大街21号
Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.
The Duke MBA Information Session - Shanghai(8/9)
Date: August 09, 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 14:00-16:00 (registration starts from 13:30)
Host: Russell Davis, Assistant Director of MBA Admissions
Language: English
Venue: JW万豪酒店,黄浦区南京西路399号上海明天广场
Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.
The Duke MBA Information Session - Hong Kong(8/11)
Date: August 11, 2014 (Monday)
Time: 19:00-21:00 (registration starts from 18:30)
Host: Russell Davis, Assistant Director of MBA Admissions
Language: English
Venue: JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong
Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.
The Duke MBA Information Session - Taipei(8/13)
Date: August 13, 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 19:00-21:00 (registration starts from 18:30)
Host: Russell Davis, Assistant Director of MBA Admissions
Language: English
Venue: Merica, #50, Nan-Yang Street (台北市南陽街50號)
Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.
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