这个问题我问过program的人,负责registration的hans说program is not supposed to provide you any information in regards to immigration这些东西, 他说你可以去immigration canada 的网站上查一下具体移民的要求。不过同学你如果都在多大本科毕业了,拿三年工签没问题啊。
realMMPAstudent 发表于 2014-10-9 10:27
这个问题我问过program的人,负责registration的hans说program is not supposed to provide you any infor ...
恩,刚刚Bianca Gaspini回我email了(话说好敬业,都11点了也要工作吗)说
As per our website the 12 month program has not yet gone through the final stages of approval.
You will not yet be able to apply.
Further as the program has not yet been released I am unable to answer your below questions.