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[申请定位] 小本申美国15Fall Econ Ph.D或Fina Ph.D ~求定位~求牛牛们推介符合背景及兴趣方向的项目

发表于 2014-7-26 21:29:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2014-7-27 11:44:15 | 只看该作者
2、申请TOP20的经济系PHD,很难,不要想得太简单,IAS每一年最多就1-2个TOP20的Econ PHD,08是UPenn的AD(开始貌似还不是全奖),10才有一个Upenn的全奖Offer,而且他们的牛牛程度,您家孩子应该知道。09都没有直申的TOP20。
3、在海本海硕等等大环境下,TOP20经济的越来越难。更别说金融,一般而言,金融PHD是在商学院下面,而且一般各个大学的金融PHD每年不会超过10个人,一般4-8个人,比如HBS的BE 一年就5人左右,而且大陆本很难很难直接申请到。 你可以看看北大光华的新闻,他们院今年只申请到了一个沃顿的金融PHD都挂出来宣传了,光华可以说是中国的“状元院”,连光华的申请结果都不是特别“显著”的话,更别说其他的学校了。而且金融PHD,国外大学也很少招大陆本,你可以去看看一些TOP商学院的学生信息档案(公开的),大部分都是海本海硕之类的等等,极个别会有北大清华的,其他的就更少了。
5、TOP20的PHD录取,基本上就是拼推荐信了,可以打个比方:GRE\TOEFL分数就相当于 巡航导弹  GPA相当于精导制导导弹  paper相当于航空母舰  推荐信相当于核武器。 所以,您懂的。。。。。
6、硕士跳板的话,DUKE 和 LSE的都不错,但是因为中国人比较多,而且还有越来越多的北大清华选择它们作为跳板,所以要表现突出还是有点难度,当然您家孩子是大牛,应该没问题。
7、最后一句话:如果你是三本院校,但是你有Robert J. Barro的强推,你也可以去任何一所TOP20的经济系。
发表于 2014-7-28 14:17:07 | 只看该作者
ting9112 发表于 2014-7-27 11:44
1、X ...

发表于 2014-7-29 00:32:22 | 只看该作者
I think first of all, you need to let him/her know about what is Finance research. In general Finance is a sub-field of Economics, which needs very sophisticated maths and statistics. Research in Finance could be very boring and tedious, and the current job market for Finance is not as good as you can imagine(Don't think that if you got a Finance PhD you can make tons of money, that is not really true...)

If he/she really likes Finance research, then the next question is how to get into a good program. I think the most important thing is to find a "suitable" school, where you can actually find someone to work with and the faculty there are willing to help you out. So don't focus too much attention on "top 10" or "top 20", if he/she is smart and hard-working, the future would be good, don't worry too much about the ranking of programs.

If you want to get into a Econ program and then do Finance, you have to get into "top 20", what I said above is for Finance PhD programs, for which rankings are not so important. But there are so many ECON people, so you have to graduate from a top ECON program to get a Business School job. Remember that ECON does not belong to STEM, which means it is not really easy to get greencard and usually there are not many industry-related jobs in US. So doing a ECON PhD is primarily an interest-driven decision.

Hope that helps! The last thing I suggest is, he/she should do something related to Empirical Finance, not for theoretical asset pricing.
 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-29 17:43:29 | 只看该作者
ting9112 发表于 2014-7-27 11:44
1、X ...

谢谢ting9112的指点, 既作跳板又找工作的话,NYU、CMU 1.5年的MFE好?还是Duke 2年的MAE好?
 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-29 18:08:10 | 只看该作者
rainbowserie 发表于 2014-7-29 00:32
I think first of all, you need to let him/her know about what is Finance research. In general Financ ...

谢谢rainbowserie的指点,恭喜你将就读Northwestern Kellogg的quant Marketing Ph.d。终于如愿华丽转身,真是可喜可贺!再请教个问题:你07-12年一直想读Finance/economics  PhD,想必对Finance/economics PhD及其职业特点了解得非常透彻,现在就读quant Marketing Ph.d,是因为Marketing比Finance /economics 更有前途或更有趣,还是因为和商学院的以色列教授做过Marketing方面研究后爱上了它,亦或是其它原因,可以谈谈认识吗?
发表于 2014-7-29 18:24:53 | 只看该作者
victory0121 发表于 2014-7-29 17:43
谢谢ting9112的指点, 既作跳板又找工作的话,NYU、CMU 1.5年的MFE好?还是Duke 2年的MAE好? ...

发表于 2014-7-29 23:38:53 | 只看该作者
国内大部分项目在海外都没啥声誉(IAS跟国内其他地方比算不错了, 不过跟只要还可以一点的学校的美本/硕比就差点意思了) Finance相比econ要更难录取, 每个系每年就录那么几个人, top program没有个跳板基本希望渺茫. Econ里确实有人往finance方向发展,但个人感觉在job market上跟finance phd竞争还是处于劣势. 跳板大家都分析的很清楚了, 那几个还是各有侧重的, 基本没有很明显既能找工作又跳板的. 部分好的跳板又不在美国, 去了肯定要做好可能在欧洲读PhD的准备. 另外个人感觉没有什么事情是可以完全一**规划好, 其实不确定性和不同的选择利弊得失的权衡才是人生主旋律和让生活很有意思的原因,无论最后的归宿多好, 假如一步步都和自己的设想100%吻合也是一件挺没意思的事情.

发表于 2014-7-30 03:10:08 | 只看该作者
victory0121 发表于 2014-7-29 18:08
谢谢rainbowserie的指点,恭喜你将就读Northwestern Kellogg的quant Marketing Ph.d。终于如愿华丽转身, ...

I think all you need to do is publishing a good paper in a particular field, and then get good recommendation letters from some famous professors in that field. As long as your school is not too bad, you can get a job. I choose Marketing because it is more relevant to my current PhD thesis. I am studying complex network dynamics, I am really interested in how it could be applied to social networks. I think it would be the future for Business research, either in Finance or Marketing or other fields.

Actually this year I will not be attending Northwestern University. As I have to finish my PhD thesis here. I want to try the job market next year without doing a "Actual" PhD in Business, although I know that it is going to be tough, but I already have enough training and research credits, so I just want to have a try, might be a little bit crazy
发表于 2014-7-30 03:14:13 | 只看该作者
dcracker 发表于 2014-7-29 23:38
国内大部分项目在海外都没啥声誉(IAS跟国内其他地方比算不错了, 不过跟只要还可以一点的学校的美本/硕比就 ...

I think you have to graduate from a top ECON program, and work with the famous Finance Professors to write your thesis. Otherwise that is going to be tough. Actually the job market for Business School PhDs are becoming more and more difficult, you have to do very well to get a job. I think it is actually the normal trend as more and more people jump in, and the market will eventually saturates, restore to equilibrium. After all, getting a PhD in Business should have no difference than getting a PhD in Natural Science or Engineering. In term of training, Science/Engineering PhDs technically probably better even...
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