9.19 独立
It is a common sensethat our government should provide better living condition for their citizens suchas the higher education and advance medical care. In fact, publictransportation is also a very crucial part that can affect people’s daily lives.Therefore, some people suggest that in order to construct a faster and safertransport system, the government should provide free public transportation toindividuals. Personally, I totally agree with this statement and my reasons arelisted as follow.
To begin with, itis very obvious that people can save a lot of expense if they do not have topay for the public transportation. That is to say, in people’s daily lives,especially in some big cities, workers who live far away from their companiesoften spend a large amount of money on commute which seems to be one of themajor costs in their lives. If they can save the cost of the transportation, itcan help them to save money for the raining day. For example, people who livein New York have to spend at least six bucks on the return underground ticketper day. However, the fast food lunch such as a sandwich would only cost themtwo to three bucks. It is quite easy to see if people can save money if theycan have the free ride. In other words, if the government can provide them withfree underground travel, it will help them to save their incomes to use it insome special occasions.
What is more, ifpeople can have free public transportation, it can both benefit our roadcondition and environment. By that I mean, if people can take the publictransportation without paying the bills, there will be numerous individualschoose to take them rather than drive their own cars. As a result, there willbe fewer vehicles on the road which would lead to less traffic congestion andless vehicle exhaust. Thus, our cities would have more clear streets andfresher air. In fact, many airports have these kinds of services. For example,Beijing International airports provide their passengers with free undergrounds andbuses. Thus this airport never had traffic jams since people do not need todrive their own cars to come here, of course, is much better than in main urbanarea of Beijing. In sum, it is a great idea for both the transportation andenvironment if citizens can take the public transportation for free.
As for me, Itotally believe that it is a great policy for both government and citizens ifpeople can pay nothing for the public transportation.