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[SC悬赏令] 语法求助

发表于 2014-5-4 22:30:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
GWD-10-Q37:GWD-11-26 (?)
On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow, as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.
  • On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow
  • On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are, it is believed, the rate of tree growth
  • On Earth, the rate at which trees grow is believed to be among the surest indications of sunspot cycles
  • Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles, believed to be the tree growth rate
  • Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles is believed to be the rate at which trees grow
Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
  • Imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869, the gypsy moth was used by a French scientist in an attempt at developing a strong strain of silk-producing insects, crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
  • Imported into Massachusetts form Europe in 1869, a French scientist was attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
  • To cross gypsy moths with adult silkworms, in attempting the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist in 1869 imported the gypsy moth into Massachusetts from Europe.
  • The gypsy moth was imported into Massachusetts from Europe in 1869 by a French scientist attempting to develop a strong strain of silk-producing insects by crossing gypsy moths with adult silkworms.
  • In an attempt at the development of a strong strain of silk-producing insects, a French scientist, importing the gypsy moth from Europe into Massachusetts in 1869 in order to cross gypsy moths and adult silkworms.
The state has proposed new rules that would set minimum staffing levels for nurses, rules intended to ensure that at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room.
  • rules intended to ensure that at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room     (intend的用法)不能用主
  • rules with the intent of ensuring one nurse at least to be assigned for every four patients to be put through triage in a hospital emergency room
  • rules intending to ensure at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients in a hospital emergency room put through triage
  • with the intent of ensuring that at least one nurse should be assigned for every four patients in a hospital emergency room that are put through triage
  • and this is intended to ensure one nurse at least to be assigned for every four patients put through triage in a hospital emergency room
In an attempt to guarantee the security of its innovative water purification method, the company required each employee to sign a confidentiality agreement prohibiting that its water purification methods be disclosed to companies using an analogous purification process.
A.      prohibiting that its water purification methods be disclosed to companies
B.      prohibiting them from the disclosing of its water purification methods to any company
C.      prohibiting disclosure of its water purification methods to any company
D.      that would prohibit them from disclosure of its water purification methods to companies
E.       that would prohibit its water purification methods to be disclosed to a company
GWD-24-1 (?)
Tom Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, an era when the city had transformed from a collection of suburban neighborhoods to the second-largest city in the United States.
A.      an era when the city had transformed.
B.      an era during which the city was transformed.
C.      an era that transformed it.
D.      during which era the city transformed.
E.       during which the city was transformed.
As the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing the bee to sustain a fatal injury.
A.      As the honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed, staying where it is inserted, this results in the act of stinging causing
B.      As the heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted, with the result that the act of stinging causes
C.      Honeybee’s stinger, heavily barbed and staying where it is inserted, results in the fact that the act of stinging causes
D.      The heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted, and results in the act of stinging causing
E.       The honeybee’s stinger is heavily barbed and stays where it is inserted, with the result that the act of stinging causes
T-3-Q38. (?)
The normative model of strategic decision-making suggests that executives examine a firm’s external environment and internal conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide on a strategy.
A.      conditions, and in using the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, can decide
B.      conditions, and they use the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses in deciding
C.      conditions, and, in using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses,  deciding
D.      conditions and, using the set of objective criteria derived from these analyses, decide
E.       conditions, and in their use the set of objective criteria they derive from these analyses, decide
T-4-Q39  (?)
Five hundred million different species of living creatures have appeared on Earth, nearly 99 percent of them vanishing.
A.      Five hundred million different species of living creatures have appeared on Earth, nearly 99 percent of them vanishing.
B.      Nearly 99 percent of five hundred million different species of living creatures that appeared on Earth have vanished.(错选)
C.      Vanished are nearly 99percent of the five hundred million different species of living creatures that appeared on Earth.
D.      Of five hundred million different species of living creatures that have appeared on Earth, nearly 99 percent of them have vanished.
  • E.       Of the five hundred million different species of living creatures that have appeared on Earth, nearly 99 percent have vanished.

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发表于 2014-5-5 00:57:35 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-11 16:46:38 | 只看该作者
忘记了不好意思   上面第三题  put through triage 是修饰patients?如果是也不该用这个形式啊   说不太通啊
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-11 16:48:12 | 只看该作者
第五题选b, 但是during+an era不是应该用完成时么
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-11 16:49:48 | 只看该作者
倒数第三道选E,with the result 修饰的是前面的整个一句话?  
发表于 2014-5-12 10:35:06 | 只看该作者
guimin1990 发表于 2014-5-11 16:46
忘记了不好意思   上面第三题  put through triage 是修饰patients?如果是也不该用这个形式啊   说不太通 ...

前半句The state has proposed new rules that would set minimum staffing levels for nurses,主谓宾都有了,先找有下半句有连词的选项:E
E用this指代前面的new rules单复数不对,代指前面整件事,this不裸奔,哪怕用this proposal也比this要好。
ABCD都没有连词,D是独立主格,先不考虑独立主格用在这里合不合适,at least one nurse should be assigned for every four patients in a hospital emergency room that are put through triage中that are put through triage错误修饰了emergency room。错。
B rules with the intent of doing sth to do sth,累赘,改成从句更好(与because of doing sth改成because的从句一个道理)
C 与D犯一样的错误:put through triage错误修饰了emergency room。错。

A.rules (that are)intended to ensure that at least one nurse is assigned for every four patients (who) put through triage in a hospital emergency room.

triage是病人在 hospital emergency 见到医生之前,护士会帮病人测心跳、测脉搏、问药物过敏(这些事情医生时间宝贵是不问的)并根据病人病情的危机程度给病人分优先等级(比如胸口疼的一定排在屁眼疼的前面)。国内的医院流程上好像与国外的不同。去过一次医院就都明白了。所以put through triage的只能是病人,不可能是room。
发表于 2014-5-13 09:51:49 | 只看该作者
A 选项用主动,错。city只能被transform不能自己transform.
B 候选
C 通过前半句的暗示,可以看出作者是想说这个市长transform了city,肯定不是时代transform了city。错
D which的先行词era跑到which后面去了,transform错用主动。
E which根本没有先行词(era可以,但from 1973 to 1993这种介词短语肯定是不可以的)


during + 时间
1.She engaged in writing during the second world war

2.She has been doing homework during  the time 4:00 and 5:00am“四点和五点间她一直在写作业。”

3. I will clean house during the time you go out tomorrow“你们明天出去游玩期间我会把家里打扫干净”

4.Each year during the school test in September , the students work harder than usual“每年学校九月份考试期间,同学们都会比平常更加认真的学习”
发表于 2014-5-13 10:11:33 | 只看该作者
A.典型的“夹心修饰”错误。staying where it is inserted既可以向前修饰,也可以向后修饰。this指代前面整件事不妥,this一般不“裸奔”,用this special feature什么的可以,单用this不行。
B.整句没有主句,As引导原因状语从句,with the result也不是句子。
C.逻辑上有错误,导致蜜蜂叮人之后受致命伤的是 the heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee stays where it is inserted这个事,而不是单单的因为Honeybee’s stinger。类似于导致肯尼迪挂了的原因是“脑袋让人干开花”这个事。而不是因为“脑袋”
D.逻辑错误同上。The heavily barbed stinger of the honeybee如果拔得出来并不会导致蜜蜂死。类似上句肯尼迪脑袋让人干并不一定会死,因为“脑袋让人干开花”才死的。
E.正确。with the result表示伴随结果,状语。
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