以下是引用lll123在2003-7-21 16:24:00的发言: 1. the spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned, but accidents,(weather conditions that could not be foreseen, and pilot errors ofter cause much larger deposits of spray than they had) anticipated. b. weather conditions that cannot be foreseen, and pilot errors often cause much larger deposit of spray than c. unforeseeable weather conditions, and pilot errors are the cause of much lager deposits of spray than they had 答案为B 问题1.C的错误是否应将CAUSE改为CAUSES? 2.如果将B中改为THAN THEY HAD 对不,为什么?
1) cause > are the cause of 2) . weather conditions that cannot be foreseen>. unforeseeable weather conditions, 因为有情态动词cannot ,不行轻易改为形容词 3) than anticipated is idiom. we shall not use had anticipated.
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