Because there are provisions of the new maritime code that provide that even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas, they have already stimulated international disputes over uninhabited islands.
Because there are provisions of the new maritime code that provide that even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas, they have already stimulated international disputes over uninhabited islands.
(A) Because there are provisions of the new maritime code that provide that even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas, they have already stimulated (B) Because the new maritime code provides that even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas, it has already stimulated
(C) Even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas under provisions of the new maritime code, already stimulating
(D) Because even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas under provisions of the new maritime code, this has already stimulated
(E) Because even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas under provisions of the new maritime code, which is already stimulating
但想问的是A选项的They. OG的解释是The sentence needs to make clear whether provisions or code is the subject of the main verb stimulated.
In the predicate nominative instead of the subject position, provisions is not an obvious referent for the pronoun they
但they不是可以指代特定名次的全部么?这里的they为什么不能指代 provisions of the new maritime code ?
我觉得OG的解释 “The sentence needs to make clear whether provisions or code is the subject of the main verb stimulated.”是针对整道题说的,因为有些选项的主语是provision有些是code。
而A选项中的they指代前面的复数名词,而前面符合条件的有好几个,如provisions,tiny islets。并且这两个代到they这句话中都是通顺的