GWD TN-24 Q15 的一道语法题,题目如下:
A recent United States Census Bureaureport shows that there are more than three times as many households where thechildren and grandchildren are living in their grandparents’ home ascompared to households where the grandparents are living in theirchildren’s or grandchildren’s home. A. as compared to households where the B. as there are households where the C. as those whose D. than compared to those where the E. than there are whose
我之前也看到有人问这个问题,但是我还是有一些疑问,我觉得这个there are是多余的啊,我认为应该是 : 有 (比爷爷住在孩子或孙子家的)家庭多三倍的(孩子、孙子住在爷爷家的)家庭。总是感觉,有XX家庭比有XX家庭多三倍这样说不对啊~~~