(抱歉, 本来跟贴在gwd-9-27后, nobody responds, plus 觉得这只另一个问题了, 可以开新主题. I tried to delete the post under gwd-9-27 http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=23&ID=69459&star=2&page=1 , but the system says I don't have authority. 麻烦斑主删除, 以免一贴多贴的过失. 抱歉. )
限定性定从前可不可以有逗号? If so, 是不是逻辑应该是: 非限定性定从肯定有逗号, 但有逗号不一定就是非限定. 充分不必要?
1. GWD-9-27 原句, Scientists have identified an asteroid, 2000 BF19, that is about half a mile wide and blah, blah...
这个 that 引导的是定语从句吗? 倘若是, 应该是非限定性从句吧, 那不时应该用 which 吗?
2. GWD-8 阅读 25-28 的原句:
Clark believes this possibility has been obscured by the recent sociological fashion, exemplified by Braverman’s analysis, that emphasizes the way machinery reflects social (20) choices.
"that" 引导的应该是非限定性定从吧? 为什么不用 which? 当然从意思上说是限定性的.
请指点一下吧... |