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发表于 2005-1-15 04:04:00 | 只看该作者


24. Although all contemporary advertising tries to persuade, only a small portion of contemporary advertising can be considered morally reprehensible. It nevertheless follows that some attempts at persuasion can be regarded as morally reprehensible.

Which one of the following, in its logical features, most closely parallels the reasoning used in passage?

(A) None of the chemicals used for cleaning the Sistine Chapel will affect the original dyes. Hence, the colors used by Michelangelo will be fully restored.

(B) Not all operational tracking studies are conducted to illustrate exact corporate returns on investment. Hence, some of these studies are not reliable.

(C) A good manager always makes important decisions on the basis of adequate data, although of course some managers fail to do this. It follows that some managers are not good managers.

(D) There is a direct correlation between the number of times you repeat something and the degree to which you retain it. Therefore, repetition is always a critical factor in remembering.

(E) Some short poems are thematically pluralistic, since some sonnets are characterized by such pluralism, and all sonnets are short poems.



发表于 2005-1-15 10:38:00 | 只看该作者

原文:all。。。a small portion of(相当于some)。。。,所以some。。。


 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-17 11:51:00 | 只看该作者

我自己的问题,当时对原文的理解很清楚了,当时居然没觉得“and all sonnets are short poems”是和“some sonnets are characterized by such pluralism”并列在since里面。太过了。

发表于 2019-8-17 21:52:28 | 只看该作者
hades 发表于 2005-1-15 04:04
24. Although all contemporary advertising tries to persuade, only a small portion of contemporary ad ...

All contemporary advertising ---> persuade

If you are considered morally reprehensible, it must be only a small portion of contemporary advertising


Some persuasions ---> morally reprehensible

We know that A belongs to P, and if MR, it must be some A, So if some P, it must be MR

First of all, what is the flaw ?  Falsely to assume that  If MR, then Some A, if Some A, then P, So, If Some p, it must be MR。 ( We only know that some of MR could be P, but we do not know If some P could be MR )


C used for cleaning ---> No affect the original dyes ---> color used by M will be restored ( No )


All operational tracking studies ---> no illustrate exact corporate ROI ---> some of the studies ---> not reliable( NO )


Good manager makes important decisions ---> adequate data

Some manager makes important decisions ---> No adequate data ---> some manager are not good managers ( NO )

D. ...

E.  All sonnets are short poems, some sonnets ---> pluralism, so, some poems---> p ( correct )
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