The following appeared in a research paper written for an introductory economics course: “For the past century, an increase in the number of residential building permits issued per month in a particular region has been a reliable indicator of coming improvements to that region’s economy. If the monthly number of residential building permits issued rises consistently for a few months, the local unemployment rate almost always falls and economic production increases. This well-established connection reveals an effective method by which a regional government can end a local economic downturn: relax regulations governing all construction so that many more building permits can be issued.”
1 木有考虑过多的建筑许可证带来的危害(但是具体什么危害我也举不出来例子,房价下跌?)
2 过去100年有效不代表现在有效(奇葩的100年,之前的题最多10年,感觉100年就成了定理,好难攻破!!!)