收到 北卡州立 学校要求:必须先修 任意美国学校的 几门online课程,才可以被考虑 application. 但是你修完还不能保证你可以被录取。
所以我就晕了 求大神们指教:
1. 如果我修完了指定的先修课 他还不要我 那我是不是完全就白修了那些课?别的学校应该不会承认的是么?
2. 有人了解要怎么申请美国大学的online课程么?我完全不知道要去哪里找,因为NC State 自己不提供这个Online课 要我自己去找学校读。
We cannot provide conditional admissionsfor applicants but can still consider your application for thiscurrent season as long as you provide proof to us that you can finish therequired prerequisites before fall 2014. Your only options at this point are to tryand find the prerequisites offered as an online, distance education course atan accredited U.S. university and take them online from your home country ortry to get enrolled full-time as an undergrad at some U.S. institution in orderto get issued an F-1 visa.
觉得自己完全就落入一个坑啊!!求大家走过路过给点意见和安慰。 跪谢