于是打开prep看了很多有it的题 越看越混乱。。。
其中关于代词的指代问题: 在OG中经常会认为一个句子中如果出现两个以上上的复数名词,则复数代词会出现指代不清的错误,然而在实战中是不能仅仅凭这一个准则来判断句子的正误.在指代原则中 有一条就近指代原则:当一个句子中出现两个以上的复数名词时,复数代词优先指代离它近的复数 名词,这条原则用样适用于单数名词. 也就是说多个单数名词,也要就近原则,看似上面那个问题就解决了。可是。。。。
244. (GWD-10-Q39)In Japan, a governmentadvisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and TelegraphCompany, the largest telephone company in the world, so it would be two local phonecompanies and one long-distance provider. A. In Japan, a government advisory committee called for the breakup ofNippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, the largest telephone company in theworld, so it would be B. The breakup of theworld's largest telephone company, Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Company, wascalled for by a government advisory committee in Japan, so it would be C. A government advisorycommittee in Japan called for the breakup of Nippon Telephone and TelegraphCompany, the world's largest telephone company, into (C)
A. so it would be里的it指代歧义,本身应指代thelargest telephone company,但是这里指代了主语a government advisory committee,错误B. it指代了breakup错误。
问题:如果这里的it的指代的主语默认是逻辑主语 那不就是不是就近原则了么。。。到底什么时候it指代的是就近的最合适的单数名词性质的词,什么时候指代逻辑主语。