【超级给力无敌神模板!!! 】
我花了好多心血好多时间编纂的“神模板”,虽说叫模板,但其实有十几页哦!是按照 开头-起-承-转-结尾 对比 举例 这样的类别分类总结了各种超牛逼句型(华丽丽大排比,超有力反问句,疑问式开头,别人皆醉我独醒之类),绝对覆盖所有题目的需求,而且超级百搭,随意挑选不同句子搭配,轻轻松松500字~上次考试我还是个30分钟憋出250+字的弱逼,这次25分钟就写到了500字有木有~ ,考前我用模板里的句型套鸡精题目练了几篇,找新X方老师打分都有27+哦!
P.S. 当然有时间的同学最好能编写属于自己的神模板,考场上才能信手拈来,思如泉涌,不用费心去想文档上的句子~推荐大家参考我的格式去补充自己喜欢的句型~!

The lecture apparently disproves what is argued in the reading material. According to the passage… However the professor asserts that a closer scrutiny of this argument wouldreveal how flimsy it is. He then presents several evidences to demonstrate his statement.
【没考虑到别的可能性OP】 To start with, the professor claims that thereading passage fails to take into account that… Therefore, the assertion of the authorseems too absolute since other possibilities could not be eliminated by any currentevidence.
【假设错误WA】 Furthermore, the passage assumes that…. Theprofessor, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by theevidence. Say, ….. The contradiction is obvious here when … . On the basis ofthis point the lecture explicitly refutes the passage.
【部分正确,但忽视了事实NT】 Last but not the least, the passage may beright about …., but one critical fact is being left out of consideration. Pointedout by the professor, the author totally neglects the truth that… On account ofabove-mentioned grave mistakes, the author’s assertion turned out to be apreposterous idea.
In conclusion, based on the argumentsoffered above, the professor clearly identifies the defects in the readingpassage and forcefully shows that…
文中至少有一个举例形式,如果实在用不到上面句型,可以用转述凑字数:In other words, that is to say, …
Argue = contend
其他有用句型:The reading assumes that…, a situation that seems to be atodds with … 与…是矛盾的
词汇: premise 前提 believe deeply 深信不疑 understand = comprehend 理解 Assumption = supposition