Unlike the body's inflammatory response to cuts and sprains, with widespread swelling and stiffness immobilizing the injured area until it heals, the body's response to sunburn is more localized and resulting in a distinct line dividing affected and unaffected areas of the skin.
Unlike the body's inflammatory response to cuts and sprains, with widespread swelling and stiffness immobilizing the injured area until it heals, the body's response to sunburn is more localized and resultingin a distinct line dividing affected and unaffected areas of the skin.
Awith widespread swelling and stiffness immobilizing the injured area until it heals, the body's response to sunburn is more localized and resulting
Bwhere the injured area is immobilized with widespread swelling and stiffness until it has healed, sunburn generates a more localized response in the body, which results instead
Cwith the injured area immobilized by means of widespread swelling and stiffness until healing, sunburn generates a more localized response in the body, one resulting
Din which widespread swelling and stiffness immobilize the injured area until it has healed, the body's more localized response to sunburn results
Ein which widespread swelling and stiffness immobilize the injured area until healing, instead, the body's more localized response to sunburn results
麻烦各位帮忙解释下D和E until 后面的 it has healed 和 healing 分别表示什么状态啊,当时没注意到instead,所以就选了E,E翻译成直到恢复不可以么?为什么要是 it has healed啊
Unlike the body's inflammatory response to cuts and sprains, with widespread swelling and stiffness immobilizing the injured area until it heals, the body's response to sunburn is more localized and resulting in a distinct line dividing affected and unaffected areas of the skin.
A. with widespread swelling and stiffness immobilizing the injured area until it heals, the body's response to sunburn is more localized and resulting
B. where the injured area is immobilized with widespread swelling and stiffness until it has healed, sunburn generates a more localized response in the body, which results instead
C. with the injured area immobilized by means of widespread swelling and stiffness until healing, sunburn generates a more localized response in the body, one resulting
D. in which widespread swelling and stiffness immobilize the injured area until it has healed, the body's more localized response to sunburn results
E. in which widespread swelling and stiffness immobilize the injured area until healing, instead, the body's more localized response to sunburn results
We only need to look at A, D, E
A:.............with is weird here
E:the " instead" is redundant here, so we elinimate E
gzzxl 发表于 2013-10-21 17:49
谢谢亲~但还是没有讲it has healed 和 healing的问题呀~能不能麻烦亲解释下,。。小女子无能。。。不太懂 ...
Sorry, I was a little tired....
D. Unlike the body's inflammatory response to cuts and sprains, in which widespread swelling and stiffness immobilize the injured area until it has healed, the body's more localized response to sunburn results....
E. Unlike the body's inflammatory response to cuts and sprains, in which widespread swelling and stiffness immobilize the injured area until healing, instead, the body's more localized response to sunburn results.....
( I don't know whether this sentence is perfect another example of this original sentence, please check it out. And open to discuss..