88. Often visible as smog, ozone is formed in the atmospherefrom hydrocarbons and nitrogenoxides, two major pollutants emitted by automobiles, react with sunlight. (A) ozone is formed in the atmosphere from (B) ozone is formed in the atmosphere when (C) ozone is formed in the atmosphere, and when (D) ozone, formed in the atmosphere when (E) ozone, formed in the atmosphere from Grammatical construction; Idiom The preposition from is incorrect because ozone is formed from x and y react is not a grammatical structure.Replacingfrom with the subordinating conjunction when makes the sentence complete: Ozone is formed when x and y react. A main clause is followed by asubordinate clause. A The preposition from introduces an incoherent andungrammatical construction. B Correct. The conjunction when introduces a subordinate clause, whichcompletes the sentence correctly and coherently. C And when distorts the meaning, suggesting that ozone isformed in two ways. D Omitting the main verb, is, results in a sentence fragment. E These changes result in a sentence fragment. The correct answer is B.
ozone也可以自己form 啊 为什么要用被动??????