wanggang0411 发表于 2013-9-6 14:15 ![]()
9月5号 独立写作
谢谢虫虫爱吃菜, 和追梦 对我前几篇的修改, 这次我尽量多一些例子, 并用一种带入的方式, ...
When I was young, my parents ask(时态) me to wake up earlier at(than?) 6:00 in the morning, define(同样是时态) the study planfor whole term, and ask(同样是时态,词汇略重复 ,这个读起来好绕啊:my parents asked me to ask quesition....) valuable questions during the class, besides that they also regulate all details of my daily life such as my behavior, my wearness,and even my friends (我觉得这几个分句还是分开表达比较好的吧?这样一句读起来其实很困惑的,而且很容易出错). At (少了冠词) beginning, as all of you could sense, I feel extremely uncomfortable for(个人认为后面的介词应该是about吧) all this trivial limitations or rules. I want to stay in my bed longer in the morning, wear any clothes I want to go to school, and talk to anyone I likewith any way I prefer. However, after I graduated from school, started my career, and have my own family, I just understand how important these un-comfortablerules are for my whole life. (楼主虽然用了事实让第一段很丰富,但是会不会有点太多了导致第一段好长?而且楼主木有明确地表达自己的观点)
To begin with, because nobody is borned with gentle awareness, and it's normal or common (个人觉得这种...or...的表达太过中文化了,而且也没有必要,两个词的意思没有差很多,这样显得累赘) to see young people behavior improperly, strict rules are mandatory to correct the wrongbehavior of young people. When young people don't keep alignment in a queue,when young people don't offer his or her seat to oldness in public transportation and when young people teasing others brutally, not only the parents but also the whole societies need to refer these rules to teach them how to behave properly and what the social responsibilities they need to take. (这个论点读起来总觉得有点跑题,楼主叙述的这些并不是严格意义上的rules in society吧?)
Furthermore, the strictrules are also indispensable parts of education. We need these rules toregulate the young people to ensure that they come to school on time, studyhard in the class, and review their homework concentrately. Otherwise, they will wake up late in the morning, tease each other during the class and spendmost of their rest time on TV or Xbox. Therefore, we need these rules to ensurethe quality of their education, and the country need these rules to guaranteeits future.(楼主多出都在用这种例子排比的方式举出泛泛的例子,个人觉得有点重复,而且在分论点中缺少具体的例子会有点枯燥)
In contrast, somepeople would argue that such strict rules will limit the creativities of youngpeople, just as what I thought when I was young. From all my experience,however, I realize that creativity is not from waking up late in the morning,hanging out during class time or playing Xbox for whole day, but from hard workand self-regulation every day and every year.
Therefore, from what have been discussed above, and what I have experienced in my life, I may safely(这个副词在这表达什么意思?安全地?) draw the conclusion that strict rules are imperative to guarantee the quality of education, the success of individual, the alignment of society and even thefuture of country.
总体来说,感觉楼主的论证有点偏(因为我也没有很确定要怎么论证这个题目所以有可能理解错误),重在论述这样严的规则的重要性而并不是反驳说这样的规则对青年人不严。我觉得如果要论证的话应该从反面来说,即说明这样的规则是松的,那么哪几个方面是松的然后再举例子来论证。否则楼主这样说很容易让人产生误解,你到底是在表达这样的rules strict 还是 relaxed?