Prep2012-Pack1-SC-063 VSC002550
Naked mole rats form colonies of approximately twenty animals, each of which consists of a single
reproductive female and workers that defend her.
A. each of which consists
B. with each of them consisting
C. each colony consisting
D. and each of them consist
E. and each colony consisting
Logical predication; Rhetorical construction; Verb form
The focus of the sentence is coloniesthat consist of a breeding female and worker/defenders. Some
versions of the sentence suggest that naked mole rats consist of these individuals.
A. Placement of the pronoun eachimmediately after animalsnonsensically indicates that each animal
consists of a reproductive female and workers.
B. The pronoun eachnonsensically refers to animals.
C. Correct.Because of the intervening prepositional phrase of approximately twenty animals, the
sentence needs to specify that each refers to colonyand not animals.
D. Eachcould seem to refer nonsensically to animalsinstead of colony. Each issingular and doesn't
agree with the plural verb consist.
E. The coordinating conjunction andrequires a main verb consistsinstead of the present
participle consisting.
The correct answer is C.
Prep2012-Pack1-SC-061 VSC001448 hard 答案选B(你特么的是不是在逗我)
Sculpted boulders found at Lepenski Vir, an exampleof the earliest monumental art known from central
and Western Europe, includes 15 figures with human features similar to Upper forms and to Middle
Eastern stone figurines.
A. Vir, an example of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, includes
B. Vir, examples of the monumental art known from central and western Europe, include earliest of
monumental art known from central and western Europe, include
C. Vir are examples of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe and includes
D. Vir are examples of the earliest monumental art known from central and western Europe, including
Logical predication; Agreement
The sentence is about sculpted boulders, a plural subject, which needs to be discussed in plural terms—as
examples of a category of ancient art.
A. The plural subject, sculpted bouldersdoes not agree with the singular verb includes; the plural
subject bouldersdoes not clearly agree with the singular appositive an example. If the boulders
together constitute a single example, it would be better to begin the sentence with a phrase such
as The group of bouldersor at least The boulders.
B. Correct.The plural subject bouldersagrees in number with both the plural appositive examplesand
the plural verb, include.
C. The concrete, plural subject bouldersrequires a more specific category within the abstraction
art—e.g., earliest of monumental art forms.
D. The plural subject bouldersdoes not agree with the singular verb includes.
E. The participle includingseems to be introducing the nonsensical notion that figures with human
featuresbelong to the category central and western Europeor the equally nonsensical claim that 15
figures with human features define an entire category of earliest monumental art known from central
and western Europe.
The correct answer is B.