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[2013签经] 上海梅龙镇签证水过!!

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发表于 2013-6-23 15:15:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
这篇算是打气的帖子吧! 现在F1签证真的没有大家想象的那么困难! 大家加油啦~~~

80年,单身女青年。之前准备的时候也超级紧张,各种准备,存款证明啦,停薪留职证明啦,准备各种说辞说明 why America, why this school, why now, who sponsor you.... 等等。

最后核心也就问了三个问题吧....  是12号窗口华裔男VO给面的,过程很顺利,感觉Chemistry比较合。

我:Good afternoon.
Vo:  Good afternoon.

VO:So, you're going to D... University?
我: Yes, D's Business School.


我: Do you want to see my Offer Letter from D?
Vo: Sure.

VO: So who will sponsor you?
我:The school offered me scholarship about 19200 USD, the rest I'll pay on my own.

VO: (问了一个问题说我现在在哪里工作,但是我太紧张,没听清。只知道在问工作。。所以,我问了下面这个愚蠢的问题,呵呵)
我:You mean now or afte graduation?  (一脸傻笑...缓解紧张)
VO:  (笑)  of cause now
我:Oh, sure. I'm currently working in Taobao. Do you know Taobao?
VO: Sure, I know Taobao. (笑)  So, what do you do there?
我:(紧张到一定程度,说得极其拗口, 语序都错了。。。)I'm the marketng and operation senior manager in Travel Department.

(VO 点头,我紧张,因为知道自己说错了,然后继续犯傻。。)

我:Do you want to see my certificate of work?
VO:  No.

(VO在电脑上噼里啪啦打字,看电脑资料,then check with me)
VO: So, you had your bachelor's degree in Shanxi, and you had your master's degree in Shanghai Maritime University?  
我:Yes, right.


VO: You are approved!  

(Oh , my god!。。。我拎着一大沓子material有点儿眩晕,定了定神,说了句 Thank you very much and have a nice weekend.)

VO smiled and said "You too. Have a nice weekend!"

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所属分类: B-School生涯


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