以下是引用ring_cheng在2005-5-6 14:20:00的发言:谢谢anyname, 同意此题选C,但对anyname的解释有不尽相同的看法,就A/B而言: A. when it is known that humans made
B. at which it is known that humans had made 这里还有一个主要问题:A/B都没有指明when/at which是修饰从句中的it is known(知道“人类用石器”的时间)还是humans (had) made(人类用石器的时间). 属修饰歧义错误。 本来选A,仔细考虑后改支持C。做题时看不惯at which,稍微查了一下,the date when....和the date at which都行。大家都同意答案在A和C间产生,简化后比较一下: A:(This finding) pushes back by X years the earliest date when it is known that humans made tools C: (This finding) pushes back by X years the earliest date at which humans are known to have made tools. 1. A最大的问题是歧义。when... 本应作定语,但也是个完美的状语从句,意思就变成:当知道人类造工具这件事情的时候,this finding pushes back....。同一个东西可能作两种成分,并导致两个不同的意思,这种表达方式在GMAT中是禁止的。B 就没这个问题,因为at which...只能作定语从句,不能作状语。 2. be known to have done sth的问题。我觉得,当be known 和 do sth的发生的时间一致时,用be known to do sth;而do sth发生在be known之前时,则要用be known to have done sth。这里的情形显然属于后者。 所以选C 附known to do sth的例句: 1. 大全748:...few people are known to have recovered from the disease once the clinical symptoms have appeared. 2. 大全849:...few people have been known to taste it for the first time without requesting more. 3. og49:......satellites now known to orbit the distant planet. 请问蓝色部分的字体: 这部分说得有道理.做题时候我也想到,但是我的问题是,您说的这个情况,是不是也同样适用于C呢? C: at which humans are known to have made at which 修饰"humans被知道(用石器)"的时间 (are known to have made),而不是修饰人类"用石器"的时间. 简而言之,C中的 at which为啥就不能修饰 are known这个动词了? at which 为啥就一定要修饰 to have made 这动词了呢?? 这点上我认为ABC没有区别啊?谁能说说? |